A.T.Fomenko , G.V.Nosovskiy

Chapter 4.


We have decoded a number of dates recorded on the zodiacs of ancient Egypt. It was achieved by means of a radically new method of a complete decoding of the zodiacs developed by A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovskiy [���] [3v2].

Thanks to the resources available to us for the first time and vast computer-generated astronomical calculations it has become possible to determine dozens of dates recorded on the ancient zodiacs. All of these dates fell into the same epoch – not earlier than the XI century. The newly discovered astronomical findings proved to be unique for the vast majority of the Egyptian zodiacs. The complete decoding of the horoscopes on the Egyptian zodiacs determined by A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovsky included some partial decoding by N.A.Morozov and T.N.Fomenko suggested earlier. However it differs from them in some details.

Based on the received dater we can claim that the 'pharaohic' history of Egypt by no means unfolded over hundreds and thousands of years BC, as it is commonly thought, but in the epoch of the XI-XVI cc. AD.

The dates on the Egyptian wooden coffin-sarcophagi are interesting. They can be found in the illustrated books on Ancient Egypt and are considered to be 'very ancient'. But now it has become possible to establish precisely their true age in some instances. The fact is that on coffin lids there are sometimes depicted zodiacs with the date of death encoded in them. For example, the decoding of one of them - the Brugsch zodiac - gave us the middle of the XIX century! In other words, the 'ancient' Egyptians (aka, possibly, mamelukes) even 150 years ago were making such coffins and buried their dead in them. And now they are exhibited in many museums as alleged artifacts of the 'most ancient' history. Let us turn our attention to the history of Egypt in more detail.

# The history if Egypt gradually steps out of obscurity only from the XI-XII cc.

# The Egyptian history from the XI to the XIII cc. is very poorly covered in the documents which survive today.

# The history of Ancient Russia and the history of African Egypt are closely intertwined. The written and archaeological history of African 'Ancient' Egypt known to us today – is, essentially, its history as a part of the Horde Empire of the XIV-XVI cc.

We certainly shouldn't think, that the 'mongols'= the mighty, who invaded Egypt in the XIV century, left the Russian-Turkic people unaltered over subsequent centuries. They settled in the lands of Central and North-African, mixed with the local population and soon forgot their origins. But they made a notable contribution to the history and culture of Egypt.

# The famous 30 dynasties of the Egyptian pharaohs are on the whole the phantom reflections of the dynasties of the czar-khans of the XIII-XVI cc.

# The 'ancient' pharaohs of Egypt were the Russian-Turkic czars-khans of Russia-Horde and The Atamania (Ottoman Empire). They ruled the Empire. During their life time they appeared in African Egypt very rarely. However after their death they were undoubtedly brought here for their burial in the Central 'Mongolian' cemetery. In particular, to Giza and Luxor.

# The country of Egypt described in the Bible, is Russia-Horde of the XIV-XVI cc. [6v1], ch.4.

# The period from the first half of the XIV century to the end of the XVI century contributed the most into the history of 'Ancient' Egypt. Here many of the famous Egyptian events were focused. In this respect the Egyptian history is not an exception. In documents that survive today the history of the other regions of the epoch of the XIV-XVI cc. weighs heavily the history of the preceding epochs.

This is the epoch of the Great Empire. The conquest of the XIV century is reflected in the history of 'Ancient' Egypt as the so called the 14th dynasty of pharaohs – the Hyksos (the Mamelukes). The Egyptologists erroneously dated them to the years 1786-1570 BC. Incidentally, with remarkable accuracy – accurate, purportedly, to within one year!

The Mamelukes formed an exclusive ruling military caste in Egypt, similar to the samurai in Japan, for example. They hardly ever mixed with the rest of the population and were the Cossack-Hordian rulers of the Empire. They guarded the central imperial cemetery and oversaw the construction of the burial complexes. The social class of the Mamelukes was annihilated in the XIX century, after Napoleon. Later on the reign in Egypt was passed on to the Europeans. The local population was indoctrinated with the belief that their former rulers, the Mamelukes were evil.

The events following the 'Mongol' conquest of the XIV century date to the 18th dynasty of the pharaohs. The Egyptologists erroneously date it to the years 1570-1342 BC.

# The period of time from the end of the XVI century to year 1798. At first - the ruling of the Atamans (Ottomans) until 1585, followed by the second dynasty of the Mamelukes. It concludes with Napoleon's invasion of Egypt in 1798.

# Egypt was the religious and cultural centre of Romea of the XI-XIII centuries, and then – of the 'Mongol' Empire of the XIV-XVI cc. Here were written the chronicles including those on the stone monuments, describing not African Egypt itself as such, but the entire Great Empire, widespread over the vast territories. All the way to the Far East and America. By no means are all the hieroglyphic texts of 'Ancient' Egypt read and translated today [4v2], ch.8:3.

The African-Egyptian priests recorded the deeds of the distant Hordian czars-khans and Ottoman sultans. Later after the creation of Scaligerian history it was cunningly declared that the Egyptian chronicles exclusively describe African Egypt and its surroundings. In doing so the historians of the XVII-XIX cc. severely diminished the true scale of the 'Egyptian' events. The history of the entire vast 'Mongol' Empire was squeezed into small territorial size, 'replanted' to Africa and sent back into the remote past. So that it didn't interfere with the manufacture of the Scaligerian myth.

There are many riddles in the history of Egypt. Now they disappear. It becomes clear that Ancient Egypt, as in fact the other ancient civilizations, is just a few hundred years before us. In the epoch of the XIV-XVI cc. Egypt was only a small part of the Great Empire, although it is possible that it was Egypt which was the motherland of its czarist dynasty. Here the necropolis of the royal family was situated. That is precisely why nearly all the 'ancient' Egyptian inscriptions describe exclusively the burial rites. The Egyptian population was assigned the role of labourers and guardians of this cemetery. The czars-pharaohs didn't live themselves in Egypt. They were brought here posthumously.

The Egyptians built and decorated the royal tombs, temples and other burial constructions. All of this was carried out not by local means, but based on the resources of the entire Empire.

According to some scientists, the imposing Great Sphinx, which is situated close to the pyramids, 'represented four elements, in the form of a bull, an eagle, a lion and a human'. See [5v2], ch.6. The Great Sphinx is considered to be the most ancient structure in Egypt. The builders constructed an enormous rock and covered it… with stone blocks in order to give it the form of a Sphinx. But the symbols of a Bull, an Eagle, a Lion and a Man are considered to be the symbols of the evangelists [936], v.1, p.513.

It turns out that the Great Sphinx of Giza simply combines these Christian symbols into one monumental sculpture. So what is this symbol? It is a very familiar Christian Cherubim. It is he who has the four faces of a lion, a man, an eagle and a bull. That is what the ecclesiastical legends tell us [5v2], ch.6. Therefore it is A CHRISTIAN SYMBOL – A CHERUBIM which overlooks the field of the pyramids in Giza. Not far from it are situated numerous other cherub-sphinxes. They form the Valley of the Sphinxes.

The Circassians, i.e. the Cossacks, the Mamelukes, who assumed power in Egypt purportedly in the middle of the XIII century – are those famous Hyksos of 'Ancient' Egyptian history. The Hyksos invasion is one of the reflections of the 'Mongol' invasion of the XIV century. It was at that time when the Great Sphinx was erected by the Hyksos-Cossacks in Christian Giza, i.e. Cossack pyramid field in Giza as a Cherubic symbol. Here emerged the central burial complex of the entire 'Mongol' Empire.



The Great Pyramid was erected not earlier than the XIV century, in the epoch of the Great Empire. There survive some information about only one of the rulers, who built the Great Pyramid. It is Khufu or Kun-Aten.

Herodotus tells us that while constructing the Great Pyramid IRON TOOLS were used [163], p.119, book II Euterpe, paragraph 125. For the XIV-XV cc. it is not only unsurprising, but absolutely typical. It is clear why also a STEEL chisel was found set within the masonry of the Khufu Pyramid [1v], ch.1.

The Egyptian pyramids are just one form of the Scythian mounds. In the modern Egyptology 'a question about the origins of the word 'pyramid' remains unsolved. Many people think…that the word 'PYRAMID' originates from the Greek PYRAMIS (from PYROS) meaning 'A SWEET CAKE MADE FROM HONEY AND WHEAT'. This cake had a shape of a cone, and Greek pilgrims compared it with a pyramid' [464], p.49.

Still in existence today is a well-known Christian Orthodox symbol called PASKHA (meaning Easter cake). It has the shape of a PYRAMID on the sides of which are usually depicted an egg and some steps, Cyrillic letters XB = Christ is Risen, i.e. the symbols of Christ's Resurrection. Today the Easter cake is made out of curd, but earlier it could have possibly been made as a cake, i.e. – baked.

It is possible, that the Egyptian pyramid-mounds are the depiction of the Christian Easter cake. And today on the edges of the 'Easter' cake-pyramid there are depicted Christian symbols. So what was carved out on the gigantic stone edges of the Egyptian pyramids? Weren't they those very symbols? Following the religious schism of the XVII century all such Christian imagery was obliterated.

Our idea is directly supported by the 'ancient' Egyptian customs and images. In 'Ancient' Egypt there were wide spread pyramidia (plural form of pyramidion) – small pyramids varying in size from several centimetres to several dozens of centimetres. They were used to decorate buildings with. They prepared festive food for holidays in the shape of small pyramids. The pyramidions 'were often painted WHITE' [1360], p.44 And furthermore: 'The pyramidions made of stone were regarded as the objects in which the 'SUN GOD' lived [1360], p.45. But it was Christ who was called the Sun! So here it is said practically directly, that 'the 'ancient' Egyptians were making the pyramid shaped Easter cakes (Easter pyramidions) in honour of Christ.

The Great Pyramids naturally fit in the epoch of the monumental constructions, which blossomed in the XIV-XVI cc. all over the Empire. They are: 1) The Great Wall of China, 2) the magnificent cathedrals of Western Europe, 3) the indomitable Kremlins and fortifications in Russia-Horde, 4) the massive Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, aka (according to our reconstruction) – The Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem = Czar-Grad, 5) the Great Sphinx, 6) the Great Pyramids and temples of Egypt 7) the great pyramids and temples of Central America, in particular Mexico, 8) gigantic constructions of Baalbeck (Lebanon). Fig. 28 shows an interesting image (from an old Japanese book) of the pyramids with crosses on the top and statues of angels on the side.

It is plausible that the three Egyptian pyramids depicted the Christian Holy Trinity. It is possible that is exactly why one of the three pyramids – Khufu Pyramid = Got – is noticeably bigger than the other two. It represented the Father. Pharaoh Khufu = Got in 'ancient times' was called SAOFIS [5v2], ch.7. Could it be – a distortion of ZEBAOTH = The Father? The Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx in front of it were built probably as a symbol of God 'bestriding' the Cherubim.

Alternatively there could also be another explanation. The Great Pyramid symbolized The Holy Sepulchre, i.e. Christ's coffin. The colossal scale of the monument emphasized the might of the Horde Empire which created it. This could only be within the power of a rich state. Only a wealthy state could afford to make something like that.

The three large pyramids were hardly used for the burials. There are no inscriptions or images on the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid of Cheops. It more likely resembles a treasure chest. There could have been a lot of such 'chests' there before. Here a part of the Empire's treasury was kept, as an 'emergency reserve stock'. A passage inside the chamber was covered with an enormous stone slab, which was propped up from underneath. After the attendants left the chamber, the prop was kicked out, the stone slab came crushing down the stone runners and walled up the chamber. Sometime later it was opened and the treasures were taken. The old texts say quite justly that allegedly inside the pyramid a reservoir of embossed gold coins was discovered; there were about 1000 denarii, each weighing an ounce. Al Mamoun admired the purity of this gold. Al Mamoun ordered to transfer it (the pool, - Author’s note) into his treasury [464], p.39.

It is generally thought that the Egyptian pyramids are something unique. Purporting that at the very least there are no pyramids and there never were any, neither in Europe nor in Asia. But it is not so! Pyramids are well known in Eurasia, particularly in Russia. THEY ARE – KURGANS. Besides it is evident that it is not the pyramids that preceded the mounds, but the other way round. The Great Egyptian Pyramids are in a certain sense the pinnacle of the 'mound architecture'.

It is wrong to think that the mounds should always automatically be burial mounds. The mounds were also used as the civic buildings. For example – they were used as churches. An enormous 'Tsarsky Kurgan' (Royal Mound) not far from the city of Kerch in Crimea, IN THE MIDDLE AGES WAS A CHRISTIAN CHURCH. It is a well-known fact, the explanation of which is given on the sign at the entrance to the mound [5v2], ch.7.

Tsarsky Kurgan is built as a Christian church. There is an altar with wonderful acoustics, Holy doors and a prayer area for the congregation. Three steps lead up to the amvon, to the altar, as befits a Christian church.

Moreover, the Kurgan structure was laid out in the form of a church FROM THE OUTSET. It is impossible to rebuild it without destroying the entire kurgan. Which means that we are dealing here not with a burial site, which was robbed and later adapted as a church, but with an original Christian church. Kurgan or a pyramid is a stone structure built without any binding solution. To protect from the rain penetrating such a house-kurgan, it was covered up with soil. The main difference between the Egyptian pyramids and the kurgans is only in the fact that they are not covered with soil. But this can be explained by the particular qualities of the climate in Egypt. It hardly ever rains there.