Fomenko A.T.

AMS (American Mathematical Society), USA,Provedence, 1990.


A retraction of a space onto a subspace of it

No. 126, 1974


India ink and pencil on paper, 30 x42 cm.

In this explosive, almost electric image, forms twist and ooze against hard-edged structures that define the space. Organic and nonorganic shapes collide, creating what appears to be a hodge-podge of objects, all before a set of watchful feline eyes. In fact a true order underlies this setting, the theme being a contraction of a topological space onto a closed subspace, filled with large parallelepipeds. This deformation involves folding one space in onto another. The results are various amorphous, flexible structures, which settle softly onto rigid polyhedra.

A retraction of a space onto a subspace of it