A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy

Slavonic conquest of the world. Europe. China. Japan. Russia as medieval mother country of the Great Empire..

Volume 5, Book 1

ABSTRACT to the book "EMPIRE"

The present book is issued in a new edition, made by A.T.Fomenko. It considerably differs from the previous ones. The authors, based on original mathematical-statistical methods and vast computer calculations, continue the started by them analysis of the ancient and medieval chronology. It is proved that the Ancient Russia was not on the margins of the ancient history, as it is usually considered, but left a bright trace in the world events. The main event of the history of Eurasia and Russia of the XIV century – the "Tartar-Mongol" invasion- was moved by chronologists to the phantom IV century A.D. and called "the great transmigration of people". This conclusion in a wonderful way agrees, from one side, with the opinions of �.V.Lomonosov, �.�.Sherbatov and V.N.Tatishev, who described in details huge conquests of Russes at the epoch of "antique" Roman empire, and from the other side – with the conclusions of M.T.Kachenovskiy, who headed a "skeptical" school and stated that an authentic history of Russia couldn't start earlier than the XII century A.D. Conclusions of the authors, based on mathematical methods, are confirmed by medieval sources, telling about the conquest of Europe and Asia by Slaves; Russian chronicles (some of them, as the authors convincingly prove, were intentionally distorted); and also medieval evidences of foreigners about Russia.


The chronology of Europe, China and Japan is analyzed. An interesting study of the movement of planet Halley and bright unexpected parallels with the European history raise doubts in the ancientry of the history of China, and analysis of the survived geographical maps clearly show, that the "ancient" Great Chinese Wall was built not earlier than the XVII century A.D. It appears that medieval Scandinavian geographical essays and maps tell about "Mongol" conquest of Eurasia and Africa.