A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy

The Great Empire of the XIV-XVII centuries on the pages of the Bible. Russia-Horde and Osmania-Atamania – the two wings of the united Empire. The Biblical campaign of Moses – it is the Osman conquest. Biblical Esther and Judith lived in the XVI century.
Volume 6, book 1



The present book is issued in a new edition, made by A.T.FOMENKO in 2013. It considerably differs from the previous ones. In particular, the colored pictures are reproduced as colored (compared to the previous editions, where they were reproduced in black and white). The book is a new study on mathematical chronology and reconstruction of the ancient and medieval history by means of statistical methods. The history of Russia of the XIV-XVII centuries is reconstructed based on the analysis of historical information, contained in the Bible. It appears that Biblical events took place not in the deep ancientry, but in the XII-XVII centuries. In particular, bright events of the medieval history of Russian Hordian Empire are described on the pages of the Bible. It appears that the famous Biblical conquest of the Canaan – it is the Osman=ataman conquest of Eurasia in the XIV-XV centuries. It appeared that the Old Testament story of Esther and Judith took place in the second half of the XVI century in Russia.

The proposed in the book interpretation of historical contents of the Bible could seem unusual for an unprepared reader. It is important that the present study touches only historical, not theological contents of the Bible. It doesn't touch the basics of theology, stated in the Bible and doesn't put in doubt religious dogmas of those religions, for which the Bible is a holy book.

The authors don't claim for a full study of the Bible as a historical source. The present book is devoted, mainly, to one topic – how the history of medieval Russia-Horde of the XIV-XVII centuries, that is the Great = "Mongol" empire, is described on the pages of the Bible.

The book is read with relentless interest, it will attract attention of everybody interested in the problems of the ancient and medieval history.