Ebenezer Sibly
Full name: Ebenezer Sibly: "A new and complete illustration of occulte sciences"
XVIII century.

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In this book in particular "Zodiac of Jesus Christ". Is contained. Zodiac include horoscope for the date of Christmas. Appeared, that this date is December 25, 1151 A.D. It ideally corresponds to new chronology. See details in our book: A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy. "Egyptian, Russian and Italian Zodiacs. (Openings of 2005-2008 �years)". - �., Astrel, AST, 2009. Chapter 2.
Preliminary, not so detailed analysis of this Zodiac is also provided in a book: A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy. "Lost Gospels. New data about Andronicus-Christ. (Famous Pythagor, god Apollo, wonderworker Apollonius, Enochs Esau, Jacob and also Job and Isaiah are reflections of the Christ)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2008, Chapter 7.