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Название темыRE: исход дайчеров из Аравии
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=12768&mesg_id=12986
12986, RE: исход дайчеров из Аравии
Послано guest, 25-12-2012 20:30
в качестве примера образчик дайчеровского-тевтоноского права:


The Knights were to be equipped by Duke Konrad I of Masovia in exchange for their support to stabilize his Masovian land:
Brother Konrad had offered and promised to furnish brother Hermann, Honorable Master of the Holy Hospital of St. Mary /of the Germans in Jerusalem (Teutonic Order)...with the land of Culm (Chelmno) between his march and the Prussians and equip them (T.O.) well, so they may take Prussia in possession... we recognize the fact, that this land is included in the realm of the empire, we trust the judgement of the Master... we recognize all land in Prussia as an ancient right of the empire ...

This Imperial authorisation was signed by a large number of princes, like the Archbishops of Magdeburg, Ravenna, Tyre, Palermo and Reggio, the Bishops of Bologna, Rimini, Cesena, Mantua and Tortosa, the Dukes of Saxony and Spoleto, and the Margrave of Montferrat.

текста на русском не нашёл сразу, ссылки на внешние ресурсы текста на английскомй и немецком пустые.

ещё бы такой текст как договор международного права!

и чё нас западники учат принципам и нормам международного права:

..., поэтому могут взять Пруссию во владение...
...и признаем древнее (sic!) имперское право на земли Пруссии...

а какой классный список подписантов и всё Архиепископы, святые всё люди!