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Название темыRE: Лингвистики в НоваяХронологиия?
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=20192&mesg_id=20202
20202, RE: Лингвистики в НоваяХронологиия?
Послано guest, 24-05-2011 11:39
I think we have to make difference between:

Ελλάδα, Elláda



We have to understand that hellinic and greek are not national designations, but religional.

So we have title-designation "greek" not only for Romaion imperator but also for Serbian, Bolgarian, Georgian adn Russian tsars-kings-imperator.

Russia proposed to create a Greek state in XIX cent. in the religional meaning - ortodox state.

And certainely the modern greek and old greek languages are absolutely different.