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Название темыRE: искусство мамелюков в Египте
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=31209&mesg_id=31368
31368, RE: искусство мамелюков в Египте
Послано guest, 30-10-2013 16:33

Splendours of an Islamic World Mamluk Art in Cairo 1250 - 1517
Stierlin, Henri and Anne

Published by Tauris Parke Books, London UK, 1997


"The Mamluks erected over 700 monuments of exceptional emoprtance in Cairo. The Islamic architecture of the period-characterised by the vast courtyards, majestic domes and soaring minarets of palaces, mosques, madrasas (religious colleges), mausolea and caravanserais-provided a feast of intricate brickwork, finely sculpted stone masonry, glorious polychrome marble and sublte geometric mosaics." 219 pages. This is a large and heavy book, so shipping will be more than our standard rates, please inquire. Bookseller Inventory # 52389

Editorial Reviews:

Few know of the reign of the Mamluks, but all will appreciate the beauty of the art and architecture they left behind. The reign of the Mamluks marked a breathtaking flowering of Islamic art. Their control of trade across much of the Middle East ensured a steady flow of funds into Mamluk coffers, which supported the artistic output that made Cairo, in the words of Ibn Khaldun, the center of the universe and the garden of the world. This book shows off the majestic domes, courtyards, and soaring minarets that won Cairo its high praise. Those interested in Islamic history will be enthralled by the examination of sites, and general readers will enjoy learning more about this little-known facet of the world's cultural heritage.

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