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Название темыЧего ругаться-то?
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3197, Чего ругаться-то?
Послано Salex, 19-04-2007 20:02
Приводим цитату буллы на латыни:

Considerantes igitur nos, ad rectam paschalis festi celebrationem iuxta sanctorum Patrum ac veterum Romanorum Pontificum, praesertim Pii et Victoris primorum, necnon magni illius oecumenici concilii Nicaeni et aliorum sanctiones, tria necessaria coniungenda et statuenda esse; primum, certam verni aequinoctii sedem; deinde rectam positionem XIV lunae primi mensis, quae vel in ipsum aequinoctii diem incidit, vel ei proxime succedit; postremo primum quemque diem dominicum, qui eamdem XIV lunam sequitur; curavimus non solum aequinoctium vernum in pristinam sedem, a qua iam a concilio Nicaeno decem circiter diebus recessit, restituendum, et XIV paschalem suo in loco, a quo quatuor et eo amplius dies hoc tempore distat, reponendam, sed viam quoque tradendam et rationem, qua cavetur, ut in posterum aequinoctium et XIV luna a propriis sedibus nunquam dimoveantur.

и ее перевод на англицкий:

One notes in examining this that it is necessary to rule at the same time on three points to restore the celebration of Easter according to rules fixed by the previous Roman pontiffs, particularly Pius I <ca. 140 - 154> and Victor I <ca. 189 - 198, who established Easter's celebration on Sunday, rather than 14 Nisan favored by the "Quartodeciman" bishops of Asia>, and by the fathers of the councils, in particular those of the <first> great ecumenical council of Nicжa <May 20 - August 25, AD 325, deciding the following rules>. Namely: First, the precise date of the vernal equinox, then the exact date of the fourteenth day of the moon which reaches this age the very same day as the equinox or immediately afterwards, finally the first Sunday which follows this same fourteenth day of the moon. Therefore we took care not only that the vernal equinox returns on its former date, of which it has already deviated approximately ten days since the Nicene Council, and so that the fourteenth day of the Paschal moon is given its rightful place, from which it is now distant four days and more, but also that there is founded a methodical and rational system which ensures, in the future, that the equinox and the fourteenth day of the moon do not move from their appropriate positions.

Видно, что дату "325-й год" попы-толковники вставили уже позже, но сам Папа эту дату не упоминает, впрочем, как и другие вставленные. Понятно, что 325-й год рассчитывается исходя из 10-дневной разницы между календарями, но было ли оно так на самом деле? Неизвестно...

Inter Gravissimas