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35147, горы Имаус и Чингисхан
Послано guest, 16-09-2013 19:47
Да, раньше писали, что Тартары Чисгисхана-Давида якобы жили на каких-то горах, кои локализовывали по-разному. Например:

The Wonders of the Little World Or a General History of Man Авторы: Nathaniel Wanley - 1678 г.
стр. 545-546
"4. There was amongst the Tartars that of old lived in lmaus (a part of the Mountain Taurus) a sort of Shepherds, who lived after the manner of wild beasts, without Law or truth, wandring up and down in the Woods. Amongst these there were certain Families called Malgotz, that kept together in one place, and at first chose themselves Leaders: but yet were subject to their neighbour Nations, and oppressed with excessive burdens. Till at last there was an old Black-smith amongst them, that was stirred up by vision, whose name was Cangius, and it was on this manner. There appeared to him in a dream a certain person in Armour, sitting upon a white Horse, who thus spake to him: Cangius, it is the will of the Eternal God, that thou shortly shalt be the King and Ruler of the Tartars that are called Malgotz; thou shalt free them from that servitude, under which they have long groaned, and the neighbour Nations shall be subjected to them. Cangius in the morning before the seven Princes and Elders of the Malgotz, rehearses what he had dreamed, which they all at the first looked upon as ridiculous: but the next night all of them in their sleep seemed to behold the same person he had told them of, and to hear him commanding them to obey Cangius. Whereupon summoning all the people together, they commanded them the same, and the Princes themselves in the first place, took the Oath of Allegiance to him, and intituled him the first Emperour in their language Chan, which signifies King or Emperour. All such as succeeded him were after called by the same name Chan, and were of great Fame and Power. This Emperour freed his people, subdued Georgia and the greater Armenia and afterwards wasted Polonia and Hungary."

- Cangius, т.е. видимо Чингис, из семей Malgotz (монголы? готы?), и тартары-пастухи (пастыри?) жили в Имаусе. Имаус - якобы часть Таврских гор (Малой Азии? Крым тоже Таврия же). "Древние греки и римляне" Имаусом называли якобы Гималаи, либо же Памир, Гиндукуш, Тянь-Шань, не очень ясно, какие конкретно горы.

Первым географом, который получил довольно ясное представление о великом разделительном горном массиве Центральной Азии, проходящем в направлении север – юг, был Птолемей. Он называет эти горы Имаус и делит Скифию на две части: «перед горами Имаус» и «за горами Имаус» (Scythia Intra Imaum Montem и Scythia Extra Imaum Montem). Считается, что так в древности назывались современные Гималаи."

горы Имаус и Чингисхан
//«Разделяется же Тартария великая от Скифии Имаусом горою великою и знаменитою, еже со ону страну, то Тартария, а еже от сея страны то Скифия...»
По Клавдию Птолемею гора Имаус – это Уральские горы...//

//Священная Гора - Imaus - так называлась любая высокая гора в Гималаях (на Урале?), откуда пришли Арии. Изначально происходила от Hima (отсюда Imaus, отсюда и сами Himalay - Гималаи) - и переводится как - снег или Зима. Не надо быть особым лингвистом, чтобы отождествить "Зима" c Hima.//

В хронике Шеделя перс Давид, царь тартар, спустился с племенем с гор Индии, т.е. видимо тех же Имаус, они же якобы Гималаи, хотя возможно это Урал с его рудниками?:

..Beginning of the Kingdom of the Tartars
David, a Persian, born of ignoble parents, king of the Tartars, and an arrogant man, at this time, with hostile intent, migrated from the mountains of India, with all the men and women of his tribe, plundering and robbing all the cities near by. By dividing the spoils among his people he encouraged them to proceed through Parthia, Media, Assyria, Persia, Armenia and Sarmatia in a short time; and they proceeded as far as the Palus Maeotis, where they settled down.

Хотя может быть, могли путать "горы" с "городами", как в ВЗ?