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Название темыRE: Этруски - кто они?
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=4122&mesg_id=4132
4132, RE: Этруски - кто они?
Послано guest, 03-07-2007 21:40
The serb etruscologist Svetislav Bilbija managed several years ago to interprete old rasenian, lydian and lycian thanks to the Serb language. He published almost 3 books on the subject (let's mention that slovenian venetologists have managed thanks to slovenian language to read venetian tablets from the Venetia-Noric region).
According to him, the etrusc and these two asia minor languages are very close. He considers that the Lydians and Lycians, from the same origin, came in present-day Turkey from the Balkans in ancient times.
The main river of Lycia was called Xanthos by Strabon, who indicates also its old name of Sirbis. The main city of Lydia was called Sard by the foreigners, and Kos by its inhabitants.
In a monument called Xanthos Stella in Lydia, Bilbija managed to read the serb national name "Zrbi' two times.
It is the way Lycian people called their compatriots.