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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=43736&mesg_id=43788
43788, RE: Скоты из Великой Скифии
Послано Воля, 01-09-2015 11:59
39 имён

There are 39 names (eight earls and thirty one barons) at the start of the document, all of whom may have had their seals appended, probably over the space of some weeks and months, with nobles sending in their seals to be used. (On the extant copy of the Declaration there are only 19 seals, and of those 19 people only 12 are named within the document.) It is thought likely that at least 11 more seals than the original 39 might have been appended.)<9>

против папы тяжелее

The Declaration was then taken to the papal court at Avignon by Bishop Kininmund, Sir Adam Gordon and Sir Odard de Maubuisson.<2>

...as displayed on the walls of the National Museum of Scotland
The Pope heeded the arguments contained in the Declaration, influenced by the offer of support from the Scots for his long-desired crusade if they no longer had to fear English invasion. He exhorted Edward II in a letter to make peace with the Scots, but the following year was again persuaded by the English to take their side and issued six bulls to that effect.<10> It was only in October 1328, after a short-lived peace treaty between Scotland and England, the Treaty of Edinburgh-Northampton (which renounced all English claims to Scotland and was signed by the new English king, Edward III, on 1 March 1328), that the interdict on Scotland and the excommunication of its king were finally removed.<11>

и целого епископа

Bernard (died c. 1331) was a Tironensian abbot, administrator and bishop active in late 13th- and early 14th-century Scotland, during the First War of Scottish Independence


вот этот список


Duncan, Earl of Fife (changed sides in 1332)
Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray (important Bruce supporter although briefly fought for the English in the past)
Patrick Dunbar, Earl of March (changed sides a few times)
Malise, Earl of Strathearn (Bruce loyalist)
Malcolm, Earl of Lennox (Bruce loyalist)
William, Earl of Ross (earlier betrayed Bruce's female relatives to the English)
Magnús Jónsson, Earl of Orkney
William de Moravia, Earl of Sutherland
Walter, High Steward of Scotland (Bruce loyalist)
William de Soules, Butler of Scotland (later imprisoned for plotting against Bruce)
Sir James Douglas (leading Bruce loyalist)
Roger Mowbray
David, Lord of Brechin (later executed for plotting against Bruce)
David Graham
Ingram de Umfraville (fought on the English side at Bannockburn)
John de Menteith, guardian of the earldom of Menteith (earlier betrayed William Wallace to the English)
Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie
Gilbert de la Hay, Constable of Scotland (Bruce loyalist)
Robert Keith, Marischal of Scotland (Bruce loyalist)
Henry Sinclair
John Graham
David Lindsay
William Oliphant (briefly fought for the English)
Patrick Graham
John Fenton
William Abernethy
David Wemyss
William Mushet
Fergus of Ardrossan
Eustace Maxwell
William Ramsay
Lachlan MacLean
William Mowat
Alan Murray
Donald Campbell
John Cameron
Reginald Cheyne
Alexander Seton
Andrew Leslie
Alexander Straiton

In addition, the names of the following do not appear in the document's text, but their names are written on seal tags and their seals are present:<1>

Alexander de Lamberton (became a supporter of Edward Balliol after the Battle of Dupplin Moor, 1332)
Edward Keith (subsequently Marischal of Scotland; d. 1346)
Arthur Campbell (Bruce loyalist)
Thomas de Menzies (Bruce loyalist)
John de Inchmartin (became a supporter of Edward Balliol after the Battle of Dupplin Moor, 1332; d. after 1334)
John Duraunt
Thomas de Morham

и потом можно сколько угодно гундосить по поводу субъектов Договора и его содержания, от этого статус документа не меняется!

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