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Название темыМогила Стюартов
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=47487&mesg_id=47490
47490, Могила Стюартов
Послано Астрахань, 14-07-2016 02:42
Продолжаем чтение Стендаля..смотрите, как писатель восторгается гробницей Стюартов работы Кановы:

Походу эти ангелы настолько запали ему в душу, что он упоминает их раза три или четыре...уж больно были они хороши...

И где они сейчас?

Вы тут каких - нибудь ангелов видите?

А королевские бюсты?

"His two sons are buried in the same tomb. Charles Edward, after his death in Florence in 1788 was buried in Frascati, where his brother Cardinal Henry Benedict, the Duke of York, was Bishop. The latter, who for more than 57 years was the Archpriest of the Vatican basilica, was buried close to his father in 1807. Later, the remains of his brother were brought here. In 1938, Pope Pius XI granted the request of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, who was then the Archpriest of St Peter's, to build a single, more dignified tomb for the three personages, who were already commemorated by the monument built in the basilica by Canova in 1819. On August 8, their remains were exhumed and located in a provisional loculus. In 1939, they were given definitive burial in the new sober, travertine sarcophagus resembling late ancient tombs. It sits on a slightly larger base and the barrel lid is decorated with two sculpted laurel wreaths with inscribed crosses. On the top, in the center is a bronze sculpture of crown sitting on a cushion."


ЗЫ. Че-то я совсем не понял, за что с ними так поступили...