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48707, переходим на аглицкий
Послано portvein777, 17-01-2017 23:31
:+ :+ :+

Dear D G,

Congratulations. Your ICC 2017 submission titled, Ptolemy's Britain and Ireland: A New Digital Reconstruction (253302) has been accepted as an Oral Presentation, which was your format preference for the International Cartographic Conference in Washington DC.

Submissions were reviewed by members of the International Scientific Program Committee. Reviewers rated submissions on six criteria and they recommended presentation formats.

Your overall average review score on six criteria was 1.055 (ЗИК!) (1.0 is the best score and 3.0 is the poorest score). Most submissions were reviewed by three people and some by two.

The review criteria were:
- The topic is relevant to the interests of cartography and/or geographic information science (GIScience).
- The topic is original and is likely to advance the fields of cartography and/or GIScience.
- Products or services are discussed with active commercial intent.
- The topic is clear and the manuscript/abstract is well structured.
- Results or interpretations are reported.
- Substantial conclusions or recommendations are summarized.

Some reviewers also provided comments on your submission, which are listed below:
T15 History of cartography and historical cartography
T29 Projections, coordinate systems, transformations, and conversions

Next steps are for you to complete your manuscript or proceedings paper for the conference. Decisions on acceptance for the refereed book track as well as information on submission and formatting for papers will be sent in a separate email.

You will need to register for the conference by February 16, 2017, to retain your status as a presenter. Please register for ICC 2017 at: ---------

Please make your conference hotel reservations as soon as possible because the block of inexpensive rooms we have set aside for participants at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park will fill: -------
ICC Program Department
Cynthia Brewer | Program Chair
Tabitha Kasik | Speaker Manager
я то не поеду

И пошёл я к себе в Коми АССР
По этапу в специальном вагоне,
Сигаретку подвесив на ихний манер,
Не ищите меня в Вашингтоне. :P :P :P

так что насколько мы компетентны - это не плотникам судить