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Название темыRE: ТИ и Зодиак Астрономии
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=48930&mesg_id=49219
49219, RE: ТИ и Зодиак Астрономии
Послано Mollari, 25-02-2017 21:52
Наткнулся случайно на ещё одно упоминание.

На этот раз - на сайте ватиканских музеев:

In the octagonal tiles of the intermediate panels the seven major planets are depicted, represented in the sky as divinities born triumphantly on a chariot pulled by allegorical animals with the related sign of the zodiac. The human, social and professional categories subject to their influence on earth are shown: Saturn and the works of charity; Jove and the hunters; Venus (note the anomaly of the chariot drawn by bulls alluding to the Borgian coat of arms, rather than the traditional doves) and love; Apollo and governors; Mars and warriors; Mercury and merchants; Luna and fishermen; and finally, in the last panel, a number of astronomers and the armillary sphere, symbol of Astrology, a subject of great interest to the patron of the work.