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Название темыRE: Река "Стикс" - это СТОК до африканского Нила
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50091, RE: Река "Стикс" - это СТОК до африканского Нила
Послано portvein777, 02-05-2017 23:20
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In Arabia Felix, we were especially delighted to locate the source of water of the Styx River — “Wasser der Styx-Quelle” of the German translation by Stückelberger and Grasshoff (2006), “the fountain of the Stygian waters” of E. L. Stevenson’s English translation (Ptolemy 1991). As the read-er might recall, Styx is the mythical river of the Greek Underworld. It flows in the realm of Hades, and gods swear their oaths upon Styx. In Yemen, 32 kilometers away from historical Dhafar (Z̧affār) that Ptolemy knows as Sapphara, the town of Ḩammām Damt (Damt, Demt) surrounds a spectacular volcano with a lake of hot mineral water in its crater. A tunnel was built in the volcanic rock to let the water out and establish a bathhouse. (The Arabic word ḥammām means ‘bath’.) Ḩammām Damt is Yemen’s premier mineral water resort featuring several sulphated hot water fountains (Al Kubati et al. 2015).
It was almost equally exciting for us to find Ptolemy’s Vodona by following a fascinating story told by a 17th century French traveler Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1677). We quote the relevant fragments of the story below, complete with our notes.