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Название форумаНовая Хронология
Название темыRE: забор
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=51993&mesg_id=52007
52007, RE: забор
Послано portvein777, 13-08-2017 13:16
куда пончикам понимать

поэтому и пишем по забугорному

и ТАМ ценят else one
Submissions were reviewed by members of the International Scientific Program Committee. Reviewers rated submissions on six criteria and they recommended presentation formats.

Your overall average review score on six criteria was 1.055 (1.0 is the best score and 3.0 is the poorest score). Most submissions were reviewed by three people and some by two.

The review criteria were:
- The topic is relevant to the interests of cartography and/or geographic information science (GIScience).
- The topic is original and is likely to advance the fields of cartography and/or GIScience.
- Products or services are discussed with active commercial intent.
- The topic is clear and the manuscript/abstract is well structured.
- Results or interpretations are reported.
- Substantial conclusions or recommendations are summarized.

Some reviewers also provided comments on your submission, which are listed below:
T15 History of cartography and historical cartography
T29 Projections, coordinate systems, transformations, and conversions

ps - ирмолирику - выйдет очередная статья в грецком жюрнале :P