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58130, RE: Аспект Сатурна, Юпитера и Марса Послано psknick, 06-12-2018 16:50
> Вы перепутали информацию из разных источников. > Нет, я ничего не перепутал
«Ergo quoniam et tempestate nostra 1495 coniunctio trium superiorum visa a nobis fuit Saturni, Iovis et Martis quae magna dicitur et sub Cancri tropico non longe ab hoc climate, verissimile certe, si quidquam dici hac in re potest, causa profecto omnis et origo tantae infectionis in eorum syderum coniunctionem referenda est.»
"the evil took its origin from a very great conjunction in Cancer, Saturn and Jupiter on November 25, 1484 at 20 hours and 4 minutes, when Mars had an aspect disaster"
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