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Название темыList of Czar-Khans?
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=263&topic_id=59612&mesg_id=59612
59612, List of Czar-Khans?
Послано Nathan1123, 14-02-2020 04:54
Hello guys!

My name is Nathan, I've been a fan of Fomenko and New Chronology for a long time, which I've read and studied off-and-on for the last few years now (at least, what's been translated into English lol). I really find it very fascinating, and I've been trying my best to fully understand the portrait of history within the New Chronology.

Now for my question: Is it possible to construct a complete list of rulers of the Great Horde? It seems to me like a logical extension, since so much of Fomenko's work revolves around the parallelisms and reflections of individual rulers or lists of rulers. The logical conclusion of that, I would think, would be a single, fully synthesized list of rulers extending from 900 to 1619 AD.

Of course, I understand it might be more complicated than a linear, chronological list of names. For each ruler in such a list, there would have to be a sub list that enumerates all the reflections across Scaligarian history for that specific ruler.

Also, I can understand sometimes it's not as simple as having a single chronological list of names, since occasionally there would be overlaps due to co-regencies, civil wars or the rival court of the Attaman (Ottoman) empire. Even so, while taking these exceptions into consideration I think such a list of Czar-Khans should be possible, shouldn't it?

I don't know, maybe Fomenko has a list already somewhere that I haven't found, but every time I try to make a list myself I am constantly running into a logical contradiction haha. What do you think?

Also please excuse the fact I'm writing in English. I really don't know a word of Russian and I don't want to offend anyone by sifting through the garbage that is Google Translate.
