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48262, Гороскоп Кришны
Послано Markgraf99_, 10-12-2016 14:59
Что за гороскопы Кришны и Рамы в интернете, можно ли их датировать?

В связи с цитатой из ФиН, "Будда и Кришна - отражения Христа":

"В астрономическом трактате «Кхаманикья» подробно описано расположение созвездий во время явления Господа Кришны», с. 59–60.
Итак, четко сказано о появлении в момент Рождества Кришны замечательной звезды, влияние которой превзошло все остальные звезды. Как мы теперь понимаем, в такой форме отразилась вспышка Вифлеемской (сверхновой) звезды около 1150–1152 годов, см. нашу книгу «Царь Славян». Очень интересно, что дается ссылка на книгу Кхаманикья, где описывалось расположение созвездий (и, может быть, планет) в момент Рождества. То есть, в книге мог быть дан гороскоп на Рождение Кришны-Иисуса. К сожалению, сам зодиак с планетами, то есть гороскоп, здесь не приведен. Наши попытки найти указанный первоисточник, пока успехом не увенчались. В Приложениях к книге <111:1> дополнительных сведений на эту тему тоже нет. Если все-таки удастся разыскать «зодиак Кришны», это даст возможность астрономически еще раз датировать Рождество и проверить согласование с ранее полученными нами результатами."

Пишут, что гороскопы Кришны и Рамы приводятся в известном астрологическом трактате «Брихат Парашара Хора Шастра».

Bhagavat Purana, 10th skanda, 3rd dhyaya, 1st shloka tells that Krsna was born with all the stars and planets and houses in very very auspicious positions and combinations and specifically mentions the ascention of Aja-nakshatra (“Rohinii”). Several shlokas later, the Saaraartha-darshinii tika of Sripad Vishvanath Chakravarthi Thakur references an older astrological treatise named Kha Manikya (which now seems to have been lost) that gives full detail of Sri Krsna’s birth chart as follows: “The Moon, Mars, Mercury and Saturn were exalted. Taurus ascended. Jupiter was in Pisces. Sun was in Leo, Venus in Libra, Rahu was in Scorpio. It was midnight, on a wednesday, while the Moon was in Rohini.”

Бхагавата-пурана 10.3.1 (Рождение Кришны):
(1-5) S'rî S'uka said: 'Then there was the supremely auspicious hour that, with the constellation of Rohinî rising, was endowed with all qualities. All the stars and planets stood in a favorable position.

Sarartha-darsini tika, «Сарартха-даршини» (1704 год) — комментарий на «Бхагавата-пурану» Вишванатха Чакраварти.

Упоминается Рохини ("красное") - название Альдебарана, альфы Тельца, созвездия, где вспыхнула сверхновая якобы 1054 года - Вифлеемская звезда?
Rohini (nakshatra), a lunar mansion in Indian astronomy corresponding to Aldebaran.

http://www.krsnabalaramswami.com/lord_krsnas_birth_chart/ Lord Krsna’s Birth Chart
..As it is stated in the Khamanikya literature of astrology:..
“In the horoscope of the Lord, the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Rahu are highly situated. His birth Jagna, or the first zodiac sign of birth, is Taurus. That is why the child will be of a very superior quality. The houses of Leo, Virgo, and Libra are very auspicious. Al the lime of the Lord’s birth, it was midnight on the eighth day of a dark fortnight, Scriptures also tell us His birth fell on a Wednesday. The child will be beautifully blackish and will be called the Lotus-eyed Supreme Lord Sri Krsna, the source of everything.”
Furthermore, it is stated in the Bhrgu Samhita:..
“The planets in the houses of Taurus, Virgo, Libra, and Pisces are very highly situated. The moon and Rahu in the lagna house are very pleasing, also. Because the child of Nanda Maharaja is born in the year named Visvavasu, He will make the whole world happy with His presence.”
In essence, According to the Parasara-hora, the horoscope of Lord Krsna is read as follows: He was born of Nanda Maharaja at midnight on Wednesday, the eighth day of the dark fortnight during the Bhadrapada month (August-September). The astrological name of this year was Visvavasu, which means, “Pleasing year which signifies that the child will please everyone.” The Rohini constellation, together with Wednesday and the birth house, Taurus, are very auspicious signs, and of a superior quality. He will always be happy because the moon is situated in His birth house. The sun is situated in the house of Leo, or, in the fourth house from the birth house, which means that He will win over everyone on earth. The planet, Mercury, is in fifth house, the house of Virgo, which means that He will have many sons and grandsons. The fact that Venus and Saturn are situated in the sixth house, the house of Libra, indicates that He will seek out and kill all His enemies. There will remain no enemy of His on this earth. In the seventh house, the house of Scorpio, Ketu is situated which means He will have many, many wives. Mars is situated in the tenth house, the house of Capricorn, which is also the house of one’s fortune. This signifies that His wealth will be forever increasing. The beneficent planet, Jupiter, is situated in the house of gain, the house of Pisces, which means that He will be the possessor of all perfections. Due to Saturn’s position, it can be ascertained that this child will be blackish in complexion.

Раху (северный лунный узел) и Кету (южный лунный узел) https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Наваграха

Lagna & Moon—Taurus,Jupiter-Cancer,Sun & Venus -Leo,Mercury-Virgo,Saturn- & Rahu-Libra,Mars-Capricorn,Ketu-Aries
Lagna,Jupiter & Moon-Cancer,Saturn-Libra,Venus & Sun-Pisces,Mercury-Aries,Mars-Capricorn,Ketu-Gemini,Rahu-Sagittarious

https://mihiraastro.com/abhi/srirama_hor_A00016.aspx Sri Rama's horoscope, an astronomical impossibility - Part II
http://jyothishi-pandit.blogspot.ru/2010/03/bhagavan-sri-ramachandra-horoscope_24.html Vedic Astrology Bhagavan Sri Ramachandra-Horoscope Analysis-Part-7

Adhyatma Ramayana is a medieval Sanskrit text extolling the spiritualism in the story of Ramayana.

http://www.esamskriti.com/essays/ARamayan-Vol_1.pdf Adhyathma Ramayanam
..And the pregnancy came to an end and at that time,
Four children were born to him at the time ,
When five planets in exalted position , and at that time,
Lord Vishnu became the son of queen Kausalya,
His star was Punarvasu and the thidhi (moon’s phase)was Navami,
And the great Lord was born at the time when,
Lord Jupiter was along with the lord of his birth star,
And it was in Karkidaga Lagnam , it was in greatly exalted position,
Lord Sun was greatly exalted, Sani was in Thula Rasi,
Lord Venus was in Meena rasi , Lord mars was in retrograde,
And was greatly exalted in Makara rasi,
All the Gods were crowding in all directions,
And at that time in Poosa star Kaikeyi got a son,
And the next day queen Sumithra got twins.

Sani - сатурн?
Karka - crab, Tulā - balance, Makara - mountain goat, Mīna - fishes
48266, quora.com
Послано antryzh81, 10-12-2016 22:55
"Гороскоп Кришны" решений от 3000 г до н.э. до 2000 г. н.э. не имеет.
"Гороскоп Рамы" (без учёта лунных узлов) на этом интервале имеет единственное решение - 1 апреля 1042 г. н.э.

Впрочем, из положения Солнца в "гороскопе Кришны" прямо следует, что это - не 25 декабря недавнего прошлого, т.к. Солнце не в Стрельце, а во Льве.

Судя по указаниям фиктивных точек - асцендентов (указывающим исключительно на... час дня - "скалигеровскую точность"!) и лунных узлов, это - расчётные работы по неточным теориям на заданные даты.
48304, RE: Гороскоп Кришны
Послано Alexandr, 14-12-2016 20:16
Сибли от vasnas'а:

25.12.1151 Венера была не в одном созвездии с Сатурном.
48370, RE: Гороскоп Кришны
Послано Nikola123, 20-12-2016 11:21

>Если все-таки
>удастся разыскать «зодиак Кришны»...
А это сильно надо? :)