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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=105774&mesg_id=105913
105913, RE: Цинь Шихуанди
Послано guest, 23-08-2013 08:50
..In his chronicles of the Qin empire, Sima Qian also recorded that Qin Shihuang had constructed a huge underground imperial city, filled with glorious architecture and artifacts, to extend his reign through the afterlife. These records, which depicted a subterranean doppelganger version of the Qin empire, with gemstones to mark out celestial constellations and mercury-filled waterways that coursed through Qin Shihuang's underworld, were so fantastic that later scholars questioned their accuracy - until the terracotta warriors were unearthed in the 1970s, near mercury-rich channels resembling now-dry riverbeds.
..Yet China's great historian also wrote about the dark side of Qin Shihuang and the construction of his city of the dead: 700,000 dissident scholars, sculptors and slaves were conscripted into an army of forced labour to build the necropolis. Many of the First Emperor's concubines, along with artisans who designed and built the site, were sealed inside the mausoleum after Qin's interment, all in order to protect the secrecy of the tomb's location and its treasure-trove of artifacts. The First Emperor, Sun said, "believed he was the Son of Heaven".

- Сыма Цянь в хрониках утверждает, что Цинь Шихуан-ди, первоимператор Китая, построил огромный подземный имперский город (столицу?) с замечательной архитектурой и артефактами, чтобы распространить или продлить своё царствование и на область загробного мира (т.е. Тартара, Аида, Ада), и город этот он наполнил редкими драгоценностями, gemstones. Он хотел жить вечно и пытался алхимическими способами достичь бессмертия якобы.
Якобы он мобилизовал 700,000 человек, рабов, скульпторов и инакомыслящих, раскольнических учёных для постройки некрополя для него. Множество его наложниц были запечатаны в этом мавзолее после погребения Циня, а также ремесленников, чтобы сохранить в секрете место гробницы и клады драгоценностей.

- подземный город - не сооружение ли подземной Москвы при 'Иване Грозном' во времена опричнины? Цинь привлёк для строительства учёных-диссидентов, т.е. видимо еретиков и западных мастеров - не они же ли ветхозаветные евреи на службе, на строительных работах, у египетского фараона, т.е. 'Ивана Грозного'? Цинь Шихуан был последователем легизма, "законников" (т.е. в данном случае еретиков-жидовствующих?), и конфликтовал с конфуцианцами (т.е. здесь: православными?). Наверно это можно сравнить с гонениями Нерона на христиан. Цинь Шихауна кстати ставят в один ряд с такими тиранами как Нерон, Иван Грозный и другими.
Про Грозного есть также похожая история, что он якобы ослепил создателей Покровского собора, чтобы они не выдали секреты строительства. У Циня кстати звучит и египетская тема загробной жизни и подготовки к ней.

В связи с параллелями с Грозным, возможно и споры о рождении и отцовстве Цинь Шихуана отражают версию что и отцом Грозного мог быть кто-то другой, Иван Овчина. Сложные отношения Цинь Шихуана с матерью могут напомнить отношения Нерона и Агриппины Младшей, т.е. Ивана Грозного и Елены Глинской? Возможно, мать Цинь Шихуана леди Чжао Цзи (Lady Zhao Ji), как и Елена Глинская, отчасти отражение Есфири = Елены Волошанки. Кстати назван Цинь Шихуан был в честь первого месяца года, т.к. родился в этот месяц (ср. с датировкой ФиН 9 февр. 1526; также похожесть "январь", Янус, и имени Иван?):

...she bore the first emperor on 18 February, it was in January according to the Chinese calendar.<18> At birth, he was given the clan name of Zhao (the clan name of the royal house of Qin) inherited from his father and personal name Zheng (正), because he was born in the first month (Zhengyue 正月 in the Chinese calendar).

According to the Records of the Grand Historian, written by Sima Qian during the next dynasty, the first emperor was not the actual son of King Zhuangxiang. By the time Lü Buwei introduced the dancing girl Zhào Jī (趙姬, or the Concubine from Zhao) to the future King Zhuangxiang of Qin, she was allegedly Lü Buwei's concubine and had already become pregnant by him.<17>

Есть теория, что предыдущие два правителя перед Цинь Шихуаном могли быть отравлены его регентом Люй Бувэем:

However, there is a conspiracy theory: that Lü Buwei poisoned the king or at least hastened his death, to put the next king, King Zhuangxiang of Qin onto the throne. This is supported in a way by the fact that Zhuangxiang reigned for only 3 years.<2>

..У Сяовэнь-вана было двадцать сыновей, а Ижэнь (будущий Чжуансян-ван) обладал невысоким статусом, так как был сыном от нелюбимой наложницы. Люй Бувэй от имени Ижэня поднёс большие подарки главной наложнице Хуаян, у которой не было детей. Ему удалось уговорить наложницу Хуаян усыновить Ижэня и повлиять на наследника престола Ин Чжу, чтобы Ижэнь стал его главным наследником среди 20 сыновей. Ин Чжу согласился и в виде гарантии передал Ижэню верительную дощечку.

- отсутствие детей у жены - знакомый мотив (Соломония Сабурова).

..He became the ruler of Qin at a young age, and still relied on his mother for support, but she betrayed and tried to kill him. As a widowed lady, Zhao Ji became very lonely living in the palace, so the discovery of a eunuch, Lau Ai, who had not been castrated and was a wonderful lover made her fall in love, to the point of favoring her lover over her 21 year old son. She had two sons with her lover, and she and Lau Ai tried to kill Shi Huan so one of the two boys could take the throne. Shi Huan dealt with this ruthlessly, but the young man betrayed by his own mother that way would never be as trusting of anyone again.

- борьба между наследниками - возможно вариант истории Есфири. Грозный также убил двоюродного брата Владимира.

He ruled with force and violence. Seeking to unite the warring states, he motivated his soldiers with rewards for every enemy head they returned from battle with. Shi Huan provided his soldiers with technological innovations such as long bronze swords covered with chrome to prevent rusting; a technique which would not be rediscovered until about 2000 years later. He gave them crossbows and chariots to use in battle, and began taking over the other warring states. In 228 BC he took over Zhao, where would have his personal revenge on those who mistreated him and his family in the past. After plundering their capital, he went from door to door, seeking specific nobles, whom he tortured and killed by tying them to different horses who would pull the different limbs apart.

- жестокое взятие Чжао - т.е. Новгорода, либо Казани?

..The stress of never-ending battles (Ливонская война?), disappointment about himself from the people he sought to protect, and controversies over his projects began to wear him down. A blind musician taken to the palace to entertain Shi Huan, plotted an assassination attempt on him and nearly succeeded. Then, Chinese scholars pointed out flaws in his ruling, using academic books as support. It all proved to be too much for the still young emperor to handle. He sent the scholars to work on the Great Wall, buried some of them alive, burned all their books ("Александрийская библиотека"?), and became paranoid about his life. He started mistrusting everyone, finding hidden attacks in anything said to him, and feeling afraid to stay in one place too long.
Since telling the emperor that he was doing something wrong resulted in death, people started blaming ghosts for the bad messages. Nobody would take responsibility for the bad remarks, but they would merely say that ghosts had said them to someone. Even rumors of him not being legit in the eyes of heaven started to flow. Shi Huan went from paranoid to insane. And, to add to his insanity, his medics treated him with mercury to keep him young. This damaged his central nervous system, causing what appears to have been Parkinson’s disease.

seeraa.com/china-history/family-secret-of-emperor-qinshihuang.html The Family Background of China's First Emperor or Emperor Qinshihuang
..King Zhaowang of Qin State had a son named Yin Zhu who was King Xiaowenwang of Qin State. King Xiaowenwang loved Lady Huayang very much, but Lady Huayang did not give birth to a son for King Xiaowenwang. At the same time, King Xiaowenwang's concubine Lady Xiaji who was not loved by King Xiaowenwang got a son named Zichu. Due to their inferior status in Qin State, Zichu was later sent to Zhao State as the hostage..

..Qin Shi Huang himself became the only Chinese Emperor in history not to have taken an Empress. The reason for this remains a mystery to this day.
..His reason for refusing to choose an Empress is not recorded but by examining documents from the time, historians have determined four possible reasons.
The first and most likely factor relates to the psychological trauma suffered by Qin Shi Huang through the bad behavior of his mother Zhao Ji. Originally a concubine of Lu Buwei, Zhao Ji was sent as a gift to Zi Chu who later became King Zhuangxiang of the Qin State. She gave birth to Qin Shi Huang but after the King's death, Zhao Ji carried on a clandestine love affair with Lu Buwei. She then also had an affair with Lao Ai and gave birth to two illegitimate children. Her scandalous behavior caused Qin Shi Huang great embarrassment and in a fit of rage he killed Lao Ai and his two bastard half-brothers and then forced Zhao Ji to move from the royal palace. However it appears that Zhao Ji's deeds affected his son deeply. Gradually, Qin Shi Huang began to hate women and used them only as the means of meeting his base human needs.

orientalwomentalk.net/A_lustful_woman.html A lustful woman Zhao Ji


История с Лао Аем, любовником Чжао Цзи, заменой Люй Бувэя - не дубликат ли истории с самим Люй Бувэем? Странная история появления этого фиктивного евнуха Лао Ая (скептический вариант "непорочного зачатия"?):

The Shiji says the Queen Dowager pursued many illicit sexual activities, and Lü,
fearing that discovery would cause disaster to befall him, secretly sought a cockmonger, Lao Ai <嫪毐>, whom he made his retainer. Sometimes he would have music performed and order Lao Ai to put his penis through a wheel of paulownia wood and walk about, making certain that the queen dowager would hear about it to entice her. The queen dowager did hear about it and consequently secretly desired to obtain him. Lü Buwei thereupon introduced Lao Ai to her. Deviously ordering someone to accuse Lao Ai of a crime punishable by castration, Lü also privately told the queen dowager, "If we can fake the castration, we can make him a servant in the harem." The queen dowager therewith covertly gave a generous bribe to the officer charged with castrations to falsely sentence him and to pluck out his eyebrows and beard to make him appear a eunuch. As a result, he was made a servant of the queen dowager.<5>
...The emperor learned that Lao Ai was not really a eunuch, and had plotted with the queen to make their illegitimate son become successor. After an attempted 238 BCE revolt failed, the queen was exiled and Lao Ai was executed, along with three generations of his relatives, including their two sons who were put into sacks and beaten to death. Rather than execute the influential Lü, the emperor demoted and banished him to Shu. Lü feared eventual execution and "drank poison" in 235 BCE. As a result of the Lao Ai affair, the emperor removed power from most of Lü Buwei's foreign scholars (excepting Li Si) and restored it to the hereditary Qin aristocracy.