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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=105774&mesg_id=105919
105919, RE: Магомет и Сафия
Послано guest, 30-05-2013 06:13
Возможно, похожая жена и у Мухаммеда: "Сафийа, иудейка, чей отец Хуайх, муж Кинан и оба ее брата были убиты мусульманами в Хайбаре."

"В ходе битвы при Хайбаре были убиты отец и муж Сафии, а сама Сафия в числе других представителей своего племени была взята в плен.
...В молодости Сафия была очень красива, и в Медине, где она жила, было много желающих жениться на ней."

Doubts about Safiyya's loyalty to Islam and the suspicion that she would avenge her slain kin are themes in the Sirah Rasul Allah (biographies of Muhammad).<15>

Despite her conversion, Muhammad's other wives teased Safiyya of her Jewish origin. Regarding Safiyya's Jewish descent, Muhammad once said to his wife, "If they discriminate you again, tell them that your husband is Muhammad, your father was the prophet Aaron and your uncle was prophet Musa. In this case I'm superior to you."<2> - Магомет сказал ей, "скажи, что твой муж Магомет, отец - Аарон, а дядя - Моисей." Не она ли тогда Мариам, считаемая обычно сестрой Аарона и Моисея? А ведь Коран отождествляет Мариам с матерью Иисуса.

С Сафией связывают чудо - ей приснилось что луна упала с небес ей в подол (Благовещение? которое изображали нисходящим лучом света). Её предыдущий муж расценил это как желание её выйти замуж за Мухаммеда и побил/ударил её, оставив синяк/отметину:

Safiyya is said to have informed Kenana of a dream she had in which the moon had fallen from the heavens into her lap. Kenana interpreted it as a desire to marry Muhammad and struck her in the face, leaving a mark which was still visible when she first had contact with Muhammad.<2><4>

...Safiyya is said to have a dream which predicted her marriage with Muhammad, and she was beaten by her husband for desiring another man. Thus, the dream (interpreted as a miracle), her suffering, and her reputation to cry has won her a place in Sufi works. She appears in all major books of hadith and rolls of hadith transmitters.<3>

<4> "It is related that she bore the mark of a bruise upon her eye; when the Prophet asked her tenderly the cause, she told him that, being yet Kenāna's bride, she saw in a dream as if the moon had fallen from the heavens into her lap; and that when she told it to Kenāna, he struck her violently, saying: 'What is this thy dream but that thou covetest the new king of the Ḥijāz, the Prophet, for thy husband!' The mark of the blow was the same which Moḥammad saw." cf. Muir (1912) pp. 378-379

пс. И всё-таки о какой гробнице Сафии у Геллеспонта писал Бунин, якобы жены Мехмеда II, сербского происхождения, см. http://chronologia.org/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=show_thread&om=13110&forum=DCForumID2&omm=74&viewmode=threaded ?