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Название темыRE: безумный халиф Аль-Хаким
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=105774&mesg_id=105988
105988, RE: безумный халиф Аль-Хаким
Послано guest, 01-09-2013 12:21
Ещё некоторые подробности об аль-Хакиме:

I have here a copy of 'Millennium' by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto in which al-Hakim's disappearance is claimed to have occurred following his retirement to his observatory where he studied astronomy with the aid of an astrolabe rather than during a night-time journey into the al-Muqattam hills. Can somebody clarify which it is? - некая версия, что Хаким не исчез во время ночного путешествия на холмах аль-Мукаттам, а удалился в обсерваторию, где он изучал астрономию с помощью астролябии. Откуда такая версия?

Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (996-1021), sixth Fatimid caliph and 16th Ismaili imam. - якобы его портрет. Вокруг головы что-то вроде нимба?

Статья о нём с дополнительными подробностями:
см. http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2009/976/cu3.htm The crazed caliph By Gamal Nkrumah
Caliph of Cairo: Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (996-1021), (2009) by Paul Walker. The American University in Cairo Press, Cairo, New York
...All the more extraordinary then that Al-Hakim hit out from the shadows first of his father, Al-Aziz, and then of Barjawan, his father's chief eunuch who is sometimes referred to in historical records as a white Slav and in others as a black Sudanese. The Christianity of Al-Hakim's mother became part of his legend. There is no conclusive evidence that she was indeed Christian.

- Барджаван (Борджа+Иван?), главный евнух его отца, изображался то белым славянином, то чёрным суданцем.

Гороскоп аль-Хакима:
"Al-Hakim himself was born in the palace on the eve of Thursday 23 of the Islamic month of Rabia Al-Awwal in 375 (13 August 985). The Egyptian historian Al-Miqrizi, atypically insists on greater specificity in this one case. He reports that it was the ninth hour of the night, the morning of which was the 13th of the Coptic month of Ab, the rising of Cancer had reached the 27th degree, the sun was in Leo at 25, the moon in Gemini at 11, Saturn in Scorpio at 24, Jupiter in Libra at 8, Mars in Libra, 13, Venus in Libra, 19, and Mercury in Leo, 10, and the head in Aquarius, 5. Why he provides such detail is an open question." Presumably, this detailed zodiac horoscope sketch was intended to ascertain whether the Stars ordained Al-Hakim's true nature to be diabolical or divine.

Хаким исчез спустя ровно 400 лет после смерти Пророка. Случайное ли это совпадение?:
"Al-Hakim rode off on his last known excursion barely months beyond the 400th anniversary of the Prophet's death. Mohamed departed this earthly realm in the 11th year of the Islamic calendar. This caliph, his successor, disappeared exactly four centuries later in the year 411. Was that merely coincidence?" This is the question that to this day confounds both champions and critics of Al-Hakim.

При Хакиме важные посты занимали славяне:
"This small snapshot of those who held important commands in the early years of Al-Hakim provides evidence of diversity. Fahd was a Christian; many others were Slavs, religion unspecified; some were eunuchs, some not; and one among those named here was black. Yet all received important commissions with major responsibilities."

"The series of edicts enacted in 1004 established a prohibition also on several kinds of food, which, like those against alcoholic beverages, appear to have arisen initially from a religious motive, Al-Maqrizi's record of the original decrees says as much. It forbade molukhiyya, Jew's mallow, a green herb used in soup and stews and a great favourite of Egyptians because it was much loved by Muawiya Ibn Abi Sifyan, the first of the Ummayid caliphs and the arch enemy of Ali and the Shia. Jarjir, a variety of watercress, known elsewhere as rocket or arugula, was outlawed due to its association with the Prophet's wife Aisha, who had been another major opponent of Ali."

- Хаким запретил некое растение/специю, т.к. оно было любимо Муавией I ибн Абу Суфьяном (602/603 - 680), первым халифом Омейядов и архиврагом Али и шиитов. Ещё одно растение было запрещено, т.к. ассоциировалось с женой Пророка Аишей, ещё одним оппонентом Али.

"Among the edicts of Al-Hakim hardest to understand is his order to slaughter dogs.. The first command to kill the dogs was issued in early 1005. The bodies were dumped in the desert and along the banks of the Nile." Certain historians, the writer asserts, estimated that upward of 30,000 dogs were killed by Al-Hakim's command.

- по некоторым оценкам, 30 тыс. собак было зарезано и выброшено в пустыню и вдоль берегов Нила. Может, неправильно поняли, что собака была символ опричнины Грозного?

For some unexplainable reason, Barjawan nicknamed the Caliph "The Gecko". The Caliph summoned Barjawan, who tallied a little too long. "Tell Barjawan that the gecko has grown into a large dragon," an incensed Al-Hakim commanded his minions.

Honey, too, was confiscated and thrown into the Nile, presumably because mead-wine could be made from honey.

- мёд был запрещён и выброшен в Нил, видимо потому что из мёда делали медовуху.

His was a world of black and white Slavic eunuchs, the tribal Kutama Berbers of North Africa and the rival Turkish and Slavic mercenaries, Coptic and Malachite Christians, Sunni and Shia Muslims, all in turn currying favour with the crazed Caliph and risking being put to the sword for oversights and blunders.

добавление: Кстати, безумный Кей-Хосров (т.е. Иван Грозный, Иван/Василий Блаженный) в Шахнаме тоже куда-то исчез в конце жизни, см. анализ ФиН в "Шахнаме..." глава 6. Возможно это тот же сюжет что и с Хакимом?