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Название темыТимарета рисует Деву Марию (Диану)
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=105774&mesg_id=106085
106085, Тимарета рисует Деву Марию (Диану)
Послано guest, 14-11-2013 22:59
http://womenintheactofpainting.blogspot.ru/2012/11/thamar-with-apprentice.html Thamar with Apprentice
..She was best known in Pliny's time for a panel painting of the Goddess Diana which was displayed in the temple at Epheseus. Unfortunately, the temple, along with Thamar's work, was destroyed by an anti-pagan mob led by Saint John Chrysostom in 401 A.D.

artist unknown "Thamar Painting, with Apprentice" ca. 1403
Bibliothèque nationale de France
