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Название темыRE: иота в разных алфавитах
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=107796&mesg_id=107825
107825, RE: иота в разных алфавитах
Послано guest, 06-05-2013 15:11


'sj' in native Swedish words, before both front ('e', 'i', 'y', 'ä', 'ö') and back vowels ('a', 'o', 'u', 'å');

'stj' in five words only, all enumerated in the phrase Det är lättare att stjäla en stjälk än att stjälpa en stjärna med stjärten. ("It is easier to steal a stalk than to overturn a star with your behind.");

'skj' in five words only, four of which are enumerated in the phrase I bara skjortan skjuter han skjutsen in i skjulet. ("In just his shirt he pushes the vehicle into the shed.") The fifth word is skjuva ("shear"). It is also used in an old word skjura meaning Eurasian Magpie and dialectic derivations of the same;

'j' in French loanwords, for example jalusi; (только в заимствованных французских словах)

'xj' for the sequence /kɧ/ occurs only in the place-name Växjö;