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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=110140&mesg_id=110168
110168, по-английски
Послано guest, 17-09-2013 20:54
почему-то про название страны упомянул :), а везде только и слышно:


The name "England" is derived from the Old English name Englaland, which means "land of the Angles".<13> The Angles were one of the Germanic tribes that settled in Great Britain during the Early Middle Ages. The Angles came from the Angeln peninsula in the Bay of Kiel area of the Baltic Sea.<14> According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known use of "England" to refer to the southern part of the island of Great Britain occurs in 897, and its modern spelling was first used in 1538.<15>

great britane

Great Britain's Iron Age inhabitants are known as the Britons, a group speaking a Celtic language. The Romans conquered most of the island (up to Hadrian's Wall, in northern England) and this became the Ancient Roman province of Britannia. In the course of the 500 years after the Roman Empire fell, the Britons of the south and east of the island were assimilated or displaced by invading Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, often referred to collectively as Anglo-Saxons). At about the same time, Gaelic tribes from Ireland invaded the north-west, absorbing both the Picts and Britons of northern Britain, eventually forming the Kingdom of Scotland in the 9th century. The south-east of Scotland was colonised by the Angles and formed, until 1018, a part of the Kingdom of Northumbria. Ultimately, the population of south-east Britain came to be referred to, after the Angles, as the English people


То есть имеем Англов-Ангелов и 1018 год, но при этом лишь в России язык помнит до сих пор что страна Англия, а весь остальной мир имеет инглиш ингланд, если все же русский то предполагаемая цепочка Ангел=Мангел=мангол=монгол (да и страна такая есть Ангола).Против словосочетания Англо-Саксон вообще умора - Ангел шестикрылый :)