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Название темыRE: Камни на Брайтон Бич
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=114939&mesg_id=114945
114945, RE: Камни на Брайтон Бич
Послано guest, 04-10-2014 15:36
The flooding problem was solved in 1931 by Joseph P. Day, who owned the entire shorefront at the time. He used stone from subway-excavations to build breakwaters.


По Т.И это камни от прорытия метро в 1931 г. для уменьшения затопления от прибоев.

Про сами рисунки один человек на интернете написал следующее:

Thanks! I was a kid, so what I remember is a leathery, shirtless tanned old man with white hair and facial hair. I was born in 1968, so I would say I saw the guy carving this between 1976 and 1979. Yeah, a huge swath of time, but I know it was not earlier than that. Definitely looks “smoother” due to age than I remember it.

No idea who the guy was but there is an equal chance he’s a artist or one of the many transient “characters” Brighton’s cheap rent attracted. Or perhaps a mix of both?

Who knows exactly. What a magical, weird place the neighborhood was back then.

on September 21, 2010 at 3:17 pm | ReplyJack
Oh, for what it’s worth I always thought it was an American Indian. As an adult it looks a tad Aztec to my eyes. "


Джек утверждает, что был свидетелем нанесения рисунков и это произошло примерно между 1976 и 79 годами.

А вот на сколько этому можно верить... не знаю. Камни видел лично.