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Название темыRE: Чингисхан как Моисей
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=115005&mesg_id=118585
118585, RE: Чингисхан как Моисей
Послано Markgraf99_, 10-10-2015 11:48
Ещё один французский автор (Louis Le Roy, ок.1510-1577) повторяет подобную историю о Чингисхане, его перевёл на англ. язык Роберт Эшли (Robert Ashley 1565-1641) в 1594 г.:

http://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/eebo/A05335.0001.001/1:10.8?rgn=div2;view=toc Of the interchangeable course, or variety of things in the whole world...

Леруа, или Эшли, отмечают сходство истории перехода Чингиза через море с историей Моисея (похожая история есть и про гуннов). Упоминают комету в мае 1211 г. над Польшей, Доном и Россией, видимую 18 дней, хвостом на запад, что означало нападение тартар, случившееся на следующий год.

THE SEQVELE OF THE RELIGION and power of the Mahometists; as of the first Turkes, Corasmians, Tartarians, of the Souldan, of the Ottoman, and of the Sophy: Where there is mention made of the great Cham of Catay; of the King of Narsingue, of the Mosco∣uite, and of Presbiter Iohn; as hauing all begun or growen vp about that time, albeit they haue other Religions. The ninth Booke.
...The yeare before this their discent, which we reckon of Christ, M.CCxj. in the moneth of May, appeared for the space of eighteen daies a Comet, burning ouer the Polaques, the riuer of Don or Tanais, and the Countrie of Russia, the taile thereof directed towardes the West: which signified the discent of the Tartarians, which hapned the next yeare following. If this be true, it resembleth much the going of the Hebrewes out of the lande of Egipt, vnder the conduct of Moses; to whom the redd sea opening it selfe, gaue passage; and drowned the Egiptians pursuing after them. Iosephus writeth also, that the Sea of Pamphylia opened vnto Alexander the Macedonian, when hee marched with his Armie against the Persians...

Чингиз был бедный старик, кузнец, которого посетили божественные видения, и тартары верили, что он был порождён от лучей солнца:

...a poore old man, a Smith by his occupation, (who as they beleeue was ingendred of the sun-beames) was diuinely ordai∣ned their first CHAM, and Emperour...

тартары пришли с северо-востока Скифии, оттуда, откуда и турки.

...They hold much land in Europe, ioyning to Russia, Lithuania, and Po∣lonia: In Asia all that lieth from the riuer Tanais, and the bounds of Pon∣tus and Bacchu, vnto Cathay and Chyna...

катайцы считают себя главными людьми в мире:
.....The CATHAYANS or men of CHINA, haue such an opinion of themselues, that they ac∣count themselues to be the chiefe men of the world...

Маммелюки - из Черкассии около Темеринды или чёрного моря (Темериндой считается Азовское море):
.....The MAMMELVCS then were taken when they were little boyes from the countrey of the Circasses, neere to the Temerinde or black sea...

В главе о языках (книга 2) автор повторяет известное свидетельство, что славянский язык не только самый распространённый в Европе, но и был обычным среди мамелюков и при турецком дворе:

...Amongst all the languages of Europe there is not any more ample, and large then the Slauonian; vnderstood, and spoken by the Seruians, Mysians, Bos∣nians, Dalmatians, Croatians, Slauons, Carnians, Bohemians, Morauians, Sle∣sites, Polaques, Mazouites, Pomerans, Cassubites, Sarbians, Ruthenians, and Moscouites. Moreouer the Lythuanians, Nugardians, Plescouians, Smol∣nians, and Ohalicians begin to speake Slauonian. It was also familiar amongst the Mammelucs, as it is at this present in the Turkishe Court. ..

О князе или царе Московии пишет как о могущественном (возможно имея в виду Ивана Грозного? и Ливонскую войну?), который может выставить 700 тыс. конных воинов. Он превзошёл всех монархов мира строгостью, суровостью правления, имеет такой авторитет в церковной и мирской власти, что распоряжается жизнями и имуществом подданных, которые считают, что воля монарха - это божья воля, называют его привратник рая, управляющий бога и исполнитель его воли. Он так усилился, что все соседи страшатся его, тартары, шведы, поляки, ливонцы и даже турки:

Also the great KNES or king of Moscouie is a great landed man in the North; whose dominion is about three monethes iourney in compasse of ground▪ and he possesseth innumerable people, nations, prouinces, duchies, principalities and seigniories; which the Emperours of Moscouia haue got∣ten one after another by armes, or by other meanes offered them from time to time; as Wolodimeria, Nouingorod, Plescouia, Smolenk, Tuner, Iugaria, Permia, Viakia, Belgaria, the lower Nouogorodia, Ceruigenia, Rozar, Vo∣lokde, Rezomia, Rostomi, Cazan, Ostrakan, and others; which it woulde be tedious to recite because of the rudenes of their names. They say that of all his Lordships there are seuen principall; wherehence he can bring forth for a need, seuen hundred thousand men of warr, all on horsebacke: namely out of Plescouia a hundred thousand; Nouingorode a hundred thousand; Tuner a hundred thousand; which are the greatest seigniories, that he hath: out of Smolenk (a duchie vsurped on the king of Poland) an other hundred thousand; and a hundred thousand out of the Duchy of Mosco•ia; where is situated the great city of Mosko, the seate of the prince. The bounds of his em∣pire goe a great way into Asia; as far as the Caspian sea, neer the lands of the Sophi: And hauing won a battaile against the King of Sueuia, he is entred in∣to the countrey of Liuonia, where Germany beginneth on this side; and hath there conquered Riga, and Riuallia, two great cities pertaining to the mai∣ster Duke, and Knights of the Teutonian or Dutch order. He exceedeth in se∣uerity and rigour of commanding all the Monarches of the worlde; hauing gotten such authority ouer his subiects as well ecclesiasticall as secular, that he may dispose at his pleasure of their liues, and goods: no man daring to gain∣say him in any thing. They confesse publickly, that the will of their prince is the will of God; and that all whatsoeuer he doth, is done by the diuine pro∣uidence. Therfore they name him the Porter of Paradice; the Chamberlaine of God, and Executor of his will. By this meanes is he become so mightie, within a little time, that all his neighbours which are the Tartarians, Sueui∣ans, Polonians, Liuonians, yea and the Turkes themselues doe redoubt him.