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Название темыRE: О Новой Хронологии Венгрии
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=17756&mesg_id=17759
17759, RE: О Новой Хронологии Венгрии
Послано IM, 10-07-2005 12:39
Интересно пишет:

"The Magyar language is not Indo-European. There are only a few languages of Europe (defined in this context as without Russia). I list them all.

Basque in the Pyrenees. Most probably last remainder of a population from Ice Ages.

Maltese in Malta. The population is an inheritor of Carthaginians (Semitic) plus an Arab (also Semitic) superstratum.

Jenisch: a mixed language of wanderers in some Swiss mountain regions, probably a lingua franca containing even words from extinct pre-Roman languages.

Turks: Ottoman Turks in Thrace, Karaims in Lithuania & Crimea, Gagauz in Moldavia, Tartars in Moldavia, Roumania, Bulgaria & Crimea.

Uralic languages: Lapps in Norway, Sweden & Finland, Finns, Estonians; Livs in Latvia; and Magyar in Hungary.

But even the Uralic group is quite diverse. Uralic is first classified as Samoyed vs. Finno-Ugric. Samoyed exists only in Russia. Finno-Ugric of course classifies as Finnish (as a wider class of languages containing Lapponian, Estonian &c.) vs. Ugric. Magyar is Ugric. We will not discuss the Finnish branch further; Finnish languages are near to each other but are rather far from Ugric. Not Finno-Ugric readers may simply accept my word that a Hungarian without Finnish practice cannot interpret even the headlines of a Finnish newspaper; although here or there he may (or may not) guess a word.

Now we have remained with the Ugor subgroup. It contains recently 3 languages: Magyar (15 million), Ostyak or Chanti (20 thousand) and Vogul or Manyshi (6 thousand). Chanti and Manyshi are more or less mutually understandable, as 2 Neo-Latin or German languages. Magyar is farther, but sometimes a simple sentence about fundamental needs could be guessed. The differences are compatible with historic claims that Magyar separated from the 2 Ob Ugors cca. 2-3000 years ago and after the influences on them were quite different. E.g. Magyar has now a lot of Turkish, more definitely Bulgarian Turkish words, absent in Manyshi & Chanti. The same is true for Greek, Latin or German words; however some Iranian loan words are common."