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Название темыRE: 1000-летие храма Святой Софии в Стамбуле
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=17987&mesg_id=17998
17998, RE: 1000-летие храма Святой Софии в Стамбуле
Послано guest, 12-05-2011 18:32

Купол святой Софии Константинопольской (участки обрушений)


Hagia Sophia
designed by architects Isidore of Miletus and Anthemius of Tralles
constructed by Justinian between 532 and 537
consecrated by Justinian and Patriarch Eutychius on December 27, 537
reconstruction by Justinian completed in 562, following the collapse of the main dome during an earthquake in 558
rededicated by Justinian on December 23, 562
converted into an imperial mosque in 1453 by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II
transformed into a museum in 1935 by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (the first Turkish President and founder of the Republic of Turkey)

a domed basilica, with forty windows at base of dome
basilica: 240×270' (73.15×82.3m)
central dome: diameter 104.56' (31.87m), height from floor level 182.42' (55.6m)
Istanbul, Turkey

Разнится крутизна купола...

An ornately painted pattern on one of the side dome ceilings in Hagia Sophia. Originally built as a Christian cathedral, then converted to a Muslim mosque in the 15th century, and now a museum (since 1935), the Hagia Sophia is one of the oldest and grandest buildings in Istanbul. For a thousand years, it was the largest cathedral in the world and is regarded as the crowning achievement of Byzantine architecture.
Location: Istanbul, Istanbul Province, Turkey

This map shows an approximation of the layout of the the buildings surrounding the Imperial Palace in Constantinople during the first five years of the reign of the emperor Justinian. The landscape would change radically in the aftermath of the Nika Rebellion in January, 532.


01 Hagia Sophia
02 Augustaion
03 Hospice of Sampson
04 Hagia Irene
Shrine of the Hodegetria
Chalke Gate

Baths of Zeuxippos
Gate of the Snail
Gate of Death
Church of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus
Palace of Hormisdas
Triklinos of the Nineteen Couches
Boukoleon Harbor
Julian Harbor
Palace of Lausus
Palace of Antiochus
Forum of Constantine
Senate House
26 Praetorium of the City Prefect
27 Church of the Theotokos Chalkoprateia
28 Milion
29 Acropolis