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Название темыЗабавные странности древнего Рима
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=29279&mesg_id=29279
29279, Забавные странности древнего Рима
Послано Астрахань, 09-07-2006 21:46

КлеоПанде посвящается.

1.Вот циклопа нашел:

Giovanni Michele Nagonio, Prognostichon Hierosolymitanum

Giovanni Nagonio, a papal functionary who wrote celebratory verses like these for many European monarchs, here celebrates the triumphal entry of Julius II into Rome after his victory over the Bolognese. Combining Roman and papal imagery, the miniature shows Julius next to his nephew, Francesco Maria della Rovere, who wears golden armor. The Bolognese appear, presumably, as the gloomy barbarians in chains who accompany his float. On the facing page one sees a self-satisfied pontiff, ringed by short celebratory texts. Nagonio's poems, which fill the rest of the book, reach a self-parodic level of flattery.

Vat. lat. 1682 fols. 8 verso-9 recto vlib24 INT.16


Папский стихотворец,а такую несвятую хрень в своей книжке позволяет рисовать...

Ай-я-яй,как нехорошо...

PS.Да и херувимы синие местами не похожи на благостных созданий.

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