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Название темыRE: Общему предку всего 1500 лет
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=40302&mesg_id=40305
40305, RE: Общему предку всего 1500 лет
Послано адвокат 2, 10-03-2007 03:16

Красиво и логично.

From this the current age of human civilization can be estimated as 7500 ± 2500 years. It is consistent both with the neolithic age and with the Byzantine Age of Creation.

На мой взгляд, весьма убедительными аргументами являются следующие:

Cavalry and horse-driven transport could not physically exist in Western Europe until the XIII century because until then there had been neither natural, nor artificially-created conditions for horse-keeping in this area/
Judging even from traditional references, at the beginning of the XII century in Italy or France a horse was extremely expensive - about $30000 if recalculated. Both in Germany and Russia the largest penalty - Wergelt - ought to be paid not for the murder of a free man or treason but for horse-stealing. William the Conquerer gathered only about half a thousand mercenaries mounted on horses out of the whole Western Europe and nevertheless he won the Battle of Hastings, because opposing Harald's troops, numbering more than 5000 soldiers, were on foot. And no cavalry could exist had not harness technology been developed before, no armoured free lance mounted on a horse could fight without stirrups etc.
No good iron could be manufactured before cox-coal melting technology and no iron tools like a saw or a drill could have been produced earlier.
No shaved faces of grown-up men could be painted before a razor had been made - every man was bearded, i.e. he was a barbarian.
No self-portrait was known until Leonardo da Vinci - and that was the time when transparent glass was manufactured at first, so first glass mirrors appeared.
No careful sea maps could have been drawn by any "Mercator" until Sir Isaac Newton invented a sextant in 1675 A.D. and Ch. Huygens made a pendulum clock in 1657.
And no "ancient Codex Argenti" could be written in silver "Gothic" letters before Dr. Johann Glauber and his works in chemistry (1648-1660 A.D.)
There were no real kings in Great Britain before Henry Tudor because, particularly, preceding rulers were addressed as "Your Grace" or "Your Serenity". Henry Tudor himself was titled as "Your Highness" and only his son Henry VIII became "His Majesty".
The real history of church began not earlier than in XIV century. It is enough to look through the Bible and you find out that, e.g., in the Apocalypse St. John mentioned glass transparent as crystal (Rev. 4, 6; 21, 18; 21, 21; 15, 2).

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