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Название темыRE: К чему бы это?
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=41878&mesg_id=41880
41880, RE: К чему бы это?
Послано Salex, 16-04-2007 10:47
Нашел вот такую вот информацию:

"AMS radiocarbon study was initiated to directly measure historically dated papyri from the Illahun archive currently stored in the Papyrus Collection of the Egyptological Museum, Berlin. Fifteen documents, spanning a period of 54 years of the reign of Senusret III and his son Amenemhet III, were selected for sampling from among 450 examples. These fifteen were chosen to include years from the beginning, middle and end of this time span. In nearly all cases, specific years are represented by multiple papyri. Following photographic documentation with both reflected and transmitted light, sample amounts ranging from 20-60 mg. were taken from blank areas of the documents. In six instances, sufficient material was available for the samples to be equally divided between two laboratories (ORAU and VERA).

Но самих результатов исследований пока не нашел. Возможно, эта информация как-то поможет. Поиски продолжаю.
