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Название темыRE: Вот она, античность ...
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=42994&mesg_id=43009
43009, RE: Вот она, античность ...
Послано guest, 15-03-2011 18:17

Plan of the Acropolis

1. Monument to Agrippa

2. Nike Bastion

3. Peisistratus Portico

4. Sacred Way

5. Base of the statue of Athena Hygeia

6. Precinct of Artemis Vravronia

7. Chalcotheke

8. Statue of Athena Promachos

9. The Parthenon

10. Earlier foundations of the Parthenon

11. Site of the ancient stereobate
12. Roman Temple

13. Heroon of Pandion

14. The great altar of Athena

15. Precinct of Zeus Polieus

16. Flight of steps

17. Foundation of the Themistoclean wall

18. The Erechtheion

19. The old temple of Athena Polias

20. Portico, probably the Arrhephorion

21. Foundations of a square building

22. Stairway to the caves of Apollo and Pan
23. Foundations of a building of the 5th century BC.

24. Roman cistern

25, 26. Caves of Apollo and Pan

27. The old circular way (Peripatos) round the Acropolis

28. Cave and Chapel of Panagia Spiliotissa

29. The Asclepeion

30. Platform with a sacrificial pit

31. The stoa of the Asclepeion

32. Temple of Aphrodite

33. Prehistoric habitations

34. Foundation of the choregic monument of Nikias
35. The Odeon of Herodes Atticus

36. The Stoa of Eumenes

37. Remains of a choregic monument

38. The theatre of Dionysus

39. Proscenium of the theatre of Dionysus

40. Stoa

41. Old Temple of Dionysus

42. New Temple of Dionysus

43. The Odeon of Pericles

Acropolis, Propylaea, plan