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Название темыRE: Это у переводчика.
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=50439&mesg_id=50458
50458, RE: Это у переводчика.
Послано iskander, 05-01-2008 02:41
Ув. Volodimer,

Вы абсолютно правы - смотреть надо в первоисточнике (хотя его уже тоже причесали). По порядку

Those walled garrisons will I subdue,
And write myself great lord of Africa:
So from the East unto the furthest West
Shall Tamburlaine extend his puissant arm.
The galleys and those pilling<183> brigandines,
That yearly sail to the Venetian gulf,
And hover in the Straits for Christians' wreck,
Shall lie at anchor in the Isle Asant,
Until the Persian fleet and men-of-war,
Sailing along the oriental sea,
Have fetch'd about the Indian continent,
Even from Persepolis to Mexico,

And thence unto the Straits of Jubalter;
Where they shall meet and join their force in one.
Keeping in awe the Bay of Portingale,
And all the ocean by the British<184> shore;
And by this means I'll win the world at last.

Итого - персидкие корабли таки плавают от Индии до Мексики (Персеполис - судя по всему стольный город Тамерлана в завоеванной персии). И таки защищают Христианские суда.

Там же
What, think'st thou Tamburlaine esteems thy gold?
I'll make the kings of India, ere I die,
Offer their mines, to sue for peace, to me,
And dig for treasure to appease my wrath.--

Так что Индия тоже скифская.

Great kings of Barbary, and my portly bassoes,<130>
We hear the Tartars and the eastern thieves,
Under the conduct of one Tamburlaine,

"eastern thieves" здесь и есть персы.

3. "Далее, "think to rouse us from our dreadful siege
Of the famous Grecian Constantinople" - по-моему переводится как "он мыслит побудить нас снять ужасную осаду знаменитого греческого Константинополя", но никак не "жаждет захватить Константинополь".
То есть султан под Константинополем, а не в нем."

Абсолютно верно.

Awake, ye men of Memphis!<186> hear the clang
Of Scythian trumpets; hear the basilisks,<187>
That, roaring, shake Damascus' turrets down!
The rogue of Volga holds Zenocrate,
The Soldan's daughter, for his concubine,
And, with a troop of thieves and vagabonds,
Hath spread his colours to our high disgrace,
While you, faint-hearted base Egyptians,
Lie slumbering on the flowery banks of Nile,
As crocodiles that unaffrighted rest
While thundering cannons rattle on their skins

Так что Тамерлан не только скиф но и "мерзавец с Волги". Так что Скифия - очень большая.

5. Описывая красоту девушки Тимур говорит
"Fairer than whitest snow on Scythian hills,"

Так что на холмах Cкифии - снег.

6. По поводу "мусульманства" Тимура и скифов - везде Тимур выступает защитником христиан. А с кораном обходится вот как

TAMBURLAINE. Now, Casane, where's the Turkish Alcoran,
And all the heaps of superstitious books
Found in the temples of that Mahomet
Whom I have thought a god? they shall be burnt.

USUMCASANE. Here they are, my lord.

TAMBURLAINE. Well said!<280> let there be a fire presently.

In vain, I see, men worship Mahomet:
My sword hath sent millions of Turks to hell,
Slew all his priests, his kinsmen, and his friends,
And yet I live untouch'd by Mahomet.
There is a God, full of revenging wrath,
>From whom the thunder and the lightning breaks,
Whose scourge I am, and him will I<281> obey.
So, Casane; fling them in the fire.--

Now, Mahomet, if thou have any power,
Come down thyself and work a miracle:
Thou art not worthy to be worshipped
That suffer'st<282> flames of fire to burn the writ
Wherein the sum of thy religion rests:
Why send'st<283> thou not a furious whirlwind down,
To blow thy Alcoran up to thy throne,
Where men report thou sitt'st<284> by God himself?
Or vengeance on the head<285> of Tamburlaine
That shakes his sword against thy majesty,
And spurns the abstracts of thy foolish laws?--
Well, soldiers, Mahomet remains in hell;
He cannot hear the voice of Tamburlaine:
Seek out another godhead to adore;
The God that sits in heaven, if any god,
For he is God alone, and none but he.

т.е. он его сжигает.

7. В связи с этим в Лондоне случилась занимательная история политкорректности. При постановке Тамерлана было решено не палить коран на сцене, а заменить его на какие-нибудь святые книжки вообще.
