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Название темыRE: Отгадки Древнего Египта
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=51636&mesg_id=51655
51655, RE: Отгадки Древнего Египта
Послано guest, 04-02-2008 20:55
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Будьте внимательны. По указанным ссылкам нет ничего по поводу возможных древних технологий геополимерного ГРАНИТА - там речь идет только по поводу современных технологий изготовления декоративных материалов под камень использующих современные материалы и технологии и не воспроизводимые (кроме, может, известняка) в древности. Видимо, опасаясь насмешек специалистов, Давидович недвусмысленно от гранита пока открещивается:


By answering to this message I would like to take the opportunity to state the following:
I do not want to be involved in any controversy dealing with artefacts made in Egyptian granite. My work and my revised book concentrate on the materials that constitute the bulk of the pyramids: limestone, sandstone, mud, additionally quartzite. I can replicate the hardening of these materials in my lab and I am only dealing with technologies that I can master. With respect to granite, I have started a research program dealing with EUROPEAN granite artefacts. The results are promising and I hope they will provide new clues as far as the EGYPTIAN granite is concerned. However, as long as I am not ready, I shall decline any discussion dealing with this topic.