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Название темыИдеальное место для проповедей
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=53409&mesg_id=53437
53437, Идеальное место для проповедей
Послано Астрахань, 10-02-2009 06:11
В исламской архитектуре до сих пор называется ИВАНОМ.

Great Mosque of Esfahan, View of the north iwan from the courtyard

An Iwan (Persian: إيوان eyvān) is defined as a vaulted hall or space, walled on three sides, with one end entirely open.

Iwans were a trademark of the Sassanid architecture of Persia, later finding their way into Islamic architecture. This transition reached its peak during the Seljuki era, when iwans became established as a fundamental design unit in Islamic architecture.

Typically, iwans open on to a central courtyard, and have been used in both public and residential architecture.


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