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Послано Volodimer, 23-05-2008 16:05
- оба слова и Bible и Scripture впервые встречаются в письменных источниках в 14 веке:

One entry found.


Main Entry: scrip·ture
Pronunciation: \ˈskrip(t)-shər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin scriptura, from Latin, act or product of writing, from scriptus
Date: 14th century
1 a (1)capitalized : the books of the Bible —often used in plural (2)often capitalized : a passage from the Bible b: a body of writings considered sacred or authoritative

va= Bible
7 entries found.

bibleBible BeltBible paperBible-thumperBishops' Biblefamily BibleNew English Bible

Main Entry: bi·ble
Pronunciation: \ˈbī-bəl\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Medieval Latin biblia, from Greek, plural of biblion book, diminutive of byblos papyrus, book, from Byblos, ancient Phoenician city from which papyrus was exported
Date: 14th century
1capitalized a: the sacred scriptures of Christians comprising the Old Testament and the New Testament b: the sacred scriptures of some other religion (as Judaism)

В более ранних письменах такие слова не встречаются.
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