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Название темыRE: Герб со шляпой - Вендская марка
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=58937&mesg_id=58951
58951, RE: Герб со шляпой - Вендская марка
Послано guest, 10-02-2014 12:45

http://www.ngw.nl/heraldrywiki/index.php?title=Estate_of_Windischen_Mark Estate of Windischen Mark - Heraldry of the World
The Estate of the Windischen Mark (now part of Slovenia) became a possession of the Habsburg dynasty already in 1282. The arms show a typical hat for the area, and are thus considered canting. The arms were probably devised under the reign of Duke Rudolf IV of Austria (around 1350).
Literature : Ströhl, 1890

The Windic March (German: Windische Mark; Slovene: Slovenska marka or Slovenska krajina) was a medieval frontier march of the Holy Roman Empire, roughly corresponding to the Lower Carniola (Dolenjska) region in present-day Slovenia.