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Название темыЮпитер-св. Петр
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=69200&mesg_id=69435
69435, Юпитер-св. Петр
Послано guest, 27-04-2010 10:32
В базилике св. Петра в Риме есть бронзовая статуя св. Петра, которая, как утверждают, была раньше статуей Юпитера в Пантеоне, языческом храме. Это сидящий в тоге человек с бородой, с кругом над головой. В одной руке "ключ Петра", возможно, всунули позже, другая рука сложена в благословляющем жесте!
Вообще, бросается в глаза сходство имен Ю-Питера и Питера-Петра. Случайно ли?

http://saintpetersbasilica.org/Statues/StPeter/StPeter.htm - официальное описание, считают что автор Арнольфо ди Камбио (1245-1302), либо же отливка V века н.э. Про Юпитера ни слова.

http://www.hol.com/~mikesch/wheel.htm PAGAN SUN WORSHIP AND CATHOLICISM - THE PAGAN SUN WHEEL
"It is supposedly a statue of Peter enthroned. Notice the sun wheel above his head? This statue is thought by some to actually be a pagan statue of Jupiter, removed from the Pantheon in Rome (a pagan temple), moved into St. Peter's and renamed Peter. The extended right foot has been nearly worn away from the many pilgrims who kiss it in homage. Note also that the pattern on the wall behind the statue utilizes the symbol of Baal/Shamash!"

Jupiter or St. Peter?
"The statues of the 'gods' from the Pantheon are now found in the Vatican Museum with the exception of the great statue of Jupiter, which has been modified, retitled, and seated on a throne in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome as St. Peter. Thousands of pilgrims kiss the foot of Jupiter while thinking it is the statue of Peter."

http://historical.benabraham.com/html/modified_statue_of_jupiter.html The old statue of Jupiter with its occult blessing hand is now St. Peter in the Vatican.

http://www.oldandsold.com/articles26/pilgrimage-6.shtml The Famous Statue of St. Peter