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Название темыRE: Дикие лебеди.
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=76801&mesg_id=76825
76825, RE: Дикие лебеди.
Послано guest, 04-06-2012 11:50
есть похожие сюжеты/сказки:

http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/73090249 Abigail's Reviews > The Wild Swans
Originally published in 1838, Andersen's The Wild Swans - in which a beautiful and virtuous young princess must endure many hardships in order to restore her eleven brothers to their human form, after their wicked stepmother's curse transforms them into swans - has its origins in the Danish folk tradition, rather than its author's fertile imagination. Taken from Matthias Winther's 1823 Danske folkeeventyr (which seems, sadly, never to have been translated into English), it is quite similar to a number of tales from the Brothers Grimm (The Six Swans, The Twelve Brothers), as well as the old Irish story of The Children of Lir.

схожие истории - "Шесть лебедей" и "Двенадцать братьев" Гримм, а также ирландская история о детях Лира. Не связан ли этот бог Лир с тем самым королем Лиром (= Иваном Грозным) Шекспира, Голиншеда, Г. Монмутского и др.? И там и там проблемы с детьми, при этом одна дочь остается хорошей и спасает положение?

здесь прямо по библии 12 братьев, младший из них Вениамин. Дочь в последний момент чудесно спасается от сжигания на костре, прямо как царь Крез (отражение Христа, по ФиН)

The original Irish title is Clann Lir or Leannaí Lir, but Lir is the genitive case of Lear.

Shakespeare's play is based on various accounts of the semi-legendary Celtic figure Leir of Britain, whose name may derive from the Celtic god Lir/Llŷr.

It is often claimed that there is a link between Leir and the Welsh and Irish sea-gods Llyr and Ler (derived from Common Celtic *Leros "Sea"<3>), but the names are not etymologically related...