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Название темыRE: принципы планировки храмов, мечетей, синагог
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=80414&mesg_id=80441
80441, RE: принципы планировки храмов, мечетей, синагог
Послано guest, 28-04-2011 16:44
Прежний собор св. Павла (случайный гость)

Поворот собора св. Павла

The St Paul's Ley line and Temple Church London


Note: This map is an approximation used for demonstration purposes only. O/S maps are required for exact alignment. It is an immediate post Blitz map showing Wren's London and its bomb damage. The circle appears to have protected St Paul's Cathedral amazingly well!

The Ley-Lines and Lost-Past of North Kent

See the book 'The Sun and The Serpent', by Hamish Miller & Paul Broadhurst.

It is said that the Great Saint Michael Dragon Line is one of two main energy currents which circle the Earth.
