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Название темыRE: принципы планировки и гематрия храмов, мечетей, син
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=80414&mesg_id=80453
80453, RE: принципы планировки и гематрия храмов, мечетей, син
Послано guest, 30-04-2011 20:01
DIMENSIONS of Second Pyramid by David Bowman

King Chamber-COFFER by David Bowman

SPATIAL POSITION of King Chamber by David Bowman

Tiphareth or Christ Center by David Bowman

Tree of Life Logical Progression by David Bowman

Mysterious number 37 by David Bowman

Halicarnassus Mausoleum by David Bowman

Origins of VITRUVIAN MAN by David Bowman

Floorplan as Tree of Life by David Bowman