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Название темыИосиф - дубликат Христа?
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=86648&mesg_id=86703
86703, Иосиф - дубликат Христа?
Послано guest, 10-02-2011 00:25
Проводят параллели между Иосифом Прекрасным и Иисусом Христом:
Joseph was born of a miracle birth, <S175> Jesus was born of a miracle birth. <S176> Joseph was of 12 brothers, <S177> Jesus had 12 disciples. <S178> Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver, <S179> Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver. <S180> Brother "Judah" suggests the sale of Joseph, <S181> disciple "Judas" suggests the sale of Jesus. <S182> Joseph began his work at the age of 30, <S183> Jesus began his work at the age of 30. <S184> The parallels go on and on.
<S175> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Gen. 30:22-24
<S176> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Matt. 1:18-23
<S177> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Gen. 42:13
<S178> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Matt. 10-1
<S179> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Gen. 37:28
<S180> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Matt. 26:15
<S181> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Gen. 37:26-27
<S182> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Matthew 26:14-15
<S183> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Gen. 37:28 - не точно, кажется 41:46
<S184> - King James Version, The Holy Bible, Holman, Matthew 26:15

По поводу "двадцати серебренников" есть и другие данные:
The Septuagint has twenty pieces of gold; the Testament of Gad thirty of gold; the Hebrew and Samaritan twenty of silver; the Vulgar Latin thirty of silver; Josephus at twenty pounds