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87030, хроника Шеделя на английском
Послано guest, 17-11-2012 21:36
Хроника Шеделя на английском для тех, кому трудно разбирать немецкий или латынь:
Authors: Schedel, Hartmann 1440-1514, Schmauch, Walter W., Hadavas, Kosta
Title: First English edition of the Nuremberg chronicle: being the Liber chronicarum of Dr. Hartmann Schedel…
Publication Info: Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center 2010

Как пишет ХроноВики, "«Всемирная хроника» Гартмана Шеделя представляет значительный интерес своими противоречиями с традиционной хронологией." (статья "Антон Кобергер")

"Гартман Шедель прославился своими энциклопедическими знаниями и монументальной «Всемирной хроникой», напечатанной на латинском языке в июле 1493 г. нюрнбергским печатником А. Кобергером, и в декабре этого года напечатанной на немецком языке. Традиционными историками считается, что его работа является добросовестной компиляцией неизвесных сегодня трудов из его библиотечной коллекции и не содержит собственных разработок Шеделя. О ней стараются не упоминать в официальной исторической науке, поскольку книга его полна анахронизмов и мало соответствует хронологии Скалигера. И поэтому она очень интересна для Научной Хронологии." (статья "Гартман Шедель")

http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=nur;cc=nur;q1=age;iel=2;view=toc;idno=nur.001.0002 оглавление на латыни

некоторые отрывки:
...Belus is said to have ruled in obscurity, for he had but a small dominion. He was the first who through the error of mankind was regarded as a god. Different people called him by various names, such as Bel, Baal, Baalim, Beelphegor, and Beelzebub...
- Иоанн Малала, которого ФиН цитировали, считал Бела одним из первых ассирийских царей.

о скифах:
The kingdom of Scythia (Scytharum) had its beginning in the region toward the north. There first ruled Tanai (Thanay), after whom was named the great river, Tanais, which flows into the swamps called Palus Maeotis. And this region is divided by that same river. A portion of the region is in Europe, while the rest extends into Asia. <The river Tanais rises in the north of Sarmatia Europaea (about the center of Russia)... Although this land is the oldest, yet as its people are coarse, it is not reckoned as one of the four principal and more advanced countries. Yet these Scythian people never allowed themselves to be subdued in battle. They drove off Darius, the king of Persia. They killed Cyrus. They destroyed Syphirionas, the general of Alexander the Great; repulsed and drove to flight the king of Egypt and his army with all its implements of war. They defeated Asia three times and compelled it to pay tribute for many years. Out of these Scythians came many who accomplished great things. Firstly, the Amazons, the highly celebrated women, who apparently performed great deeds in battle. Bactria and Parthia came out of them; also the great Attila (and others), who subjugated Pannonia, and sacked Aquilaeia, and committed much waste in Germany, also descended from them. Zeliorbis, the Hungarian king, who rose up against Emperor Justinian, had his origin in Scythia. The Hungarians, Catalauni, and all the Goths also had their origin there, as did the Dani and the Turks. The country had its beginning in Magog, the grandson of Noah. Its people are coarse and have no regard for justice or equality. They worship snakes and are idolatrous, and are involved in many indecent cravings.

...The kingdom of Bohemia had its origin in the Wendic people, who left the plain of Shinar and migrated from Asia to Europe...
- оказывается, венды-славяне покинули долину Сеннаар и переселились из Азии в Европу и в частности, в Богемию. Шинар-Сеннаар якобы где-то в Месопотамии, одна из этимологий возможно от "Шумер":
Jubilees 9:3 allots Shinar (or, in the Ethiopic text, Sadna Sena`or) to Ashur, son of Shem. Jubilees 10:20 states that the Tower of Babel was built with bitumen from the sea of Shinar. David Rohl theorized that the Tower was actually located in Eridu, which was once located on the Persian Gulf, where there are ruins of a massive, ancient ziggurat worked from bitumen.<5>

Paris... After the destruction of Troy, these people under the leadership of Priamus, grandson of the great Priam, came through the Euxine Sea and the swamps or sea of Maeotis into Scythia. And there they built a city that they called Sicambria; and they became a great people. They paid tribute to the Romans, like other Scythians, up to the time of Valentinian the emperor... Now as the Franks went out of Scythia and came into Germany and there lived for a long time, they became Germans...

Beginning of the Kingdom of the Tartars
David, a Persian, born of ignoble parents, king of the Tartars, and an arrogant man, at this time, with hostile intent, migrated from the mountains of India, with all the men and women of his tribe, plundering and robbing all the cities near by. By dividing the spoils among his people he encouraged them to proceed through Parthia, Media, Assyria, Persia, Armenia and Sarmatia in a short time; and they proceeded as far as the Palus Maeotis, where they settled down. These Tartars are an ill-formed people, with large bulging eyes, broad face, flat forehead and nose, and of medium stature. They are so proud and haughty that they call their leader Cham, a son of God. Historians write many more things about their character.
The early history of the Mongols is extremely obscure. Even the meaning of the name “Mongol” is in dispute, though a general consent is now given to the etymology of the word from ‘mong,’ meaning brave. In the absence of historical particulars, legend has been busy with their early years. The Mongol historian, Sanang Setsen, gives currency to the myth that the Mongols sprang from a blue wolf; while the soberest story on record is that their ancestor Budantsar was miraculously conceived of a Mongol widow.
- надменный перс Давид, такой же незнатный якобы по происхождению, как и Тамерлан, видимо, первый царь Тартар. В новой хронологии английской истории ФиНы приводили таблицу дубликатов имен из Матузовой ( http://dgve.csu.ru/bibl/Svod_02_Matuzova_1979.shtml ), где Давид - одно из имен Чингисхана. Пути их с гор Индии и до Азовского моря - не перевернутый ли путь в Индию Диониса, Александра Македонского и других античных богов и героев? Буданцар = Будда царь, т.е. видимо, Христос?

лист 207 версо http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi/t/text/pageviewer-idx?c=nur&cc=nur&idno=nur.001.0002&q1=age&node=nur.001.0002%3A9.39&page=root&frm=frameset&seq=458
он же на немецком http://www.chronologia.org/rare/schedel/im/IMG_0603.jp g

Tamerlane, the great king of the Tartars or Parthians, died in this year A.D. 1402. He was a Parthian, born of mean parents, and at first was a corporal...

...Mention has already been made of many rare and unusual signs in the sky, and particularly concerning a stone, marked with a cross that fell from the sky in the time of Frederick II; and so in these times, on the 7th day of November A.D. 1492, at noon, in the time of Emperor Frederick III, a large triangular stone, weighing a hundred pounds and slightly smaller than a "saltzscheibe," shaped like the Greek letter “D”, fell from the sky at Ensisheim, in Sundgau, as an omen of unusual things to come...

THRACE ...The principal city of this country is Constantinople, formerly called Agios. This city was built by the Lacedaemonians under their leader Pausanius.
...I see that many in our time, not only credible teachers and poets, but also historians, commit the error of calling the Turks Teucros, due, I believe, to the fact that the Turks are in possession of Troy, which was once occupied by the Teucros; but their origin is of Crete or Candia and Italy. The Turks are from Scythia, and have so expanded that they flow possess Asia and Greece, to the dismay of the Latin and Christian name.

про Россию странно мало:
The Russians border on the Lithuanians, and are a coarse and unskilled people. In this country lies the city of Novgorod, to which the German merchants travel under great difficulty. It is rich in possessions, and much silver, and costly raw material are bought and sold there. Silver is weighed and not used in minted form. There is a square stone in this market. He who succeeds in mounting it, and is not thrown off, is invested with the government of the city.
- камень коронации может напомнить англо-шотландский Stone of Scone.

Between Estonia and Prussia lies a small country, probably only a day’s journey in width, but very extensive from Prussia to Estonia. Therein live a people called the Massagetae. It is neither heathen nor really Christian; yet it is subject to the domination of Poland. From thence the Polish kingdom extends to the sea.

...Here originated the invasion of the barbarians, who were bent on overrunning Italy and destroying Rome. They were extirpated by Marius Arpimus.

SWEDEN is surrounded by the sea on all sides and includes many islands, among which one called Scandania has been long remembered by the ancient historians. From this island a countless multitude of people at one time went forth, depressing all Europe with war. They fought against the Goths and Huns, besieged Pannonia, Moesia, Macedonia, and the entire region of Illyria, and devastated all Germany, Gaul and Italy. They finally settled down in Spain; and from hence was their origin.
- Швеция расположена на островах, из которых Скандания надолго запомнился древним историкам, т.к. оттуда нахлынуло неисчислимое количество народу и разорили чуть ли не всю Европу (видимо, и заселили заодно).

странное молчание про Ирландию:
At this time we should write something about Ireland, which is separated from England by a small sea, but not having found anything memorable during those times, we hasten on to Spain.

Польша = Сарматия: