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Название темыЕще одна порция критики (в виде диссертации)
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=62045
62045, Еще одна порция критики (в виде диссертации)
Послано MihailM, 21-12-2008 03:44
Еще одна порция критики (в виде диссертации)

Sheiko, Konstantin - Lomonosov's bastards. Anatoly Fomenko, pseudo-history and Russia's search for a post-communist identity


62046, Традики паразитируют на НХ
Послано Веревкин, 21-12-2008 14:30
Написала Шейка реферат на тему русского национализма. Возглавил эту "научную работу" австралийский советолог Стёпка Какашкин (Stephen Brown):

"Stephen Brown is a Lecturer in the History and Politics Program within the Faculty of Arts at the University of Wollongong. He has been teaching European History at the University of Wollongong since 1993. In 1981 Stephen completed a BA (Hons) University of Wollongong, a Dip. Ed. at Wollongong in 1985, and a PhD at the same university in 1991.Stephen's expertise is predominantly in Russian history and he has worked extensively in archives in Russia. He teaches subjects in Comparative Dictatorships? Stalinism and Nazism? as well as twentieth-century Russia. He is a member of the War, Community and Civilisations research unit."

Он написал с Шейкой Константином Борисовичем резюме

Did the Mongols invade Russsia?

"The rewriting of Russian history along nationalist lines has proceeded apace since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. While academic history languishes because of poor resources and the flight of academics to more lucrative work, ‘history’ in its broadest sense has become a growth industry as popular books seek to satisfy the desire for knowledge about previously taboo subjects in Russian History. One of the most successful of the new popular writers is Anatolii Fomenko, a leading mathematician in the Soviet era who claims that history was falsified at the behest of Western political interests with the aim of diminishing Russia’s place in world history. Among the astonishing claims of Fomenko is the assertion that the Mongol empire of the medieval period was in fact a Russian empire in which the term Mongol simply referred to groups of soldiers hired by Russian princes to fight their wars. Fomenko claims that Genghis Khan was most likely a Russian prince with blonde hair and blue eyes, that Cossacks and not Christopher Columbus first reached the American continent, and that many famous events of ancient history actually happened in the modern era. The magnitude of the claims made by Fomenko is exceeded only by the sales of his books. This paper will attempt to explain the Russian fascination with weird history by critically examining Fomenko’s claims about the Mongols in Russia."

62047, Традики своём репертуаре
Послано Salex, 21-12-2008 16:05
C первых страниц уже:
"Scaliger, the famous Dutch scholar and astronomer". стр.4

Что-то я не припомню, чтоб он был голландцем, да ещё и астрономом.

Хоть бы Википедию читали:

"Joseph Justus Scaliger (August 5, 1540–January 21, 1609) was a French religious leader and scholar, known for expanding the notion of classical history from Greek and Ancient Roman history to include Persian, Babylonian, Jewish and Ancient Egyptian history".


Fortis imaginatio generatur casum!
62048, Помер в Голландии, значит - голландец
Послано Веревкин, 21-12-2008 16:08
Вот когда Шейка помрёт в Австралии - будет считаться австралийцем.
62049, Скучно, как будто Акимова читаешь
Послано Salex, 21-12-2008 16:32
Поляковского помянул даже :)

"Vladislav Poliakovsky’s training is in physics.42 Like Fomenko, Poliakovsky believes that the dates we have for world and Russian history do not reflect true historical chronology". - стр. 19.

Дочитал до второй главы. Больше не могу. И за это какие-то степени присуждают!? Куда катится мир!? :o
Fortis imaginatio generatur casum!
62050, эта мухо$ранская степень
Послано Веревкин, 21-12-2008 16:41
- есть аналог диплома провинциального российского вуза.

С другой стороны, может быть от этого казахского эмигранта может быть польза - он доносит в извращённой форме свет исторической истины до австралийских аборигенов.