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Название темыRE: принципы планировки храмов и обсерваторий
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=80414&mesg_id=80452
80452, RE: принципы планировки храмов и обсерваторий
Послано guest, 08-05-2011 15:55
Stonehenge: The Dance of the Giants
by Ross Nichols (Nuinn)

New Jerusalem as Mandala
The Number 5040

Радиус Земли - 5,5 ед., а радиус Луны - 1,5 ед. Высота Пирамды - 7 ед. Длина стороны её основания - 11 ед.

В углах квадрата – центры ещё 4-х «малых кружков»…
2 х 12 + 4 = 28

As one progresses on into the nave, one meets the labyrinth of the New Jerusalem. The term, the New Jerusalem, is a grand and specific title for the cathedral. Even in physical appearance the cathedral was required to be so resplendent as to remind one of the New Jerusalem. Of course the term was also symbolic. In general one's work within the cathedral was the building of the New Jerusalem, the body of direct consciousness of the "divine", and this applied specifically to the labyrinth.

The "Processing System" of The Soul uses these to process what you experience i.e the Species and the Universe it interacts with... Through The WORD of GOD... The "WORD is/are The Programs,
("Strings" of Glyphs or Letters Numbers and other weard fonts) which Produce your Illusion i.e. this Little Universe...