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Название темыRE: Колонны Пантеона и 11 модулей
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=80414&mesg_id=80478
80478, RE: Колонны Пантеона и 11 модулей
Послано guest, 13-08-2011 10:28
Sun, Moon, and the New Geocentric Universe

All sorts of patterns repeat for the Earth, Sun, and Moon. The ratio 3:11 shows up. 3/11 is 0.273, and the Moon makes one orbit around the Earth every 27.3 days (the sidereal month). The average sunspot rotation is also 27.3 days.

If you you draw the Moon right down to the Earth, you'll see that the Moon is 3 units to the Earth's 11 units, another 3:11, and this makes a diagram that has challenged geometers for millennia -- the squaring of the circle with a compass and unmarked straightedge. It's a square that shares the same centre, area, and perimeter lengths of the circle.

Ancient cultures believed that working on this problem was a religious act, one that would reveal the mystery of Pi.