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Название темыRE: 7 (14) и 11 модулей (ПИРАМИДЫ и их пропорции)
URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=264&topic_id=80414&mesg_id=80483
80483, RE: 7 (14) и 11 модулей (ПИРАМИДЫ и их пропорции)
Послано guest, 31-08-2011 17:19
Удалось ли "покинуть" ловушку "Земля (11 М) и Луна (3 М)" - пока не знаю.
Интерес "сместился" к пропорциям "11/14" и "14/11"...
Квадрат со стороной «11» и «равновеликая» окружность (радиус «7»)

As a result of this design, as shown in fig. 2, the entrance was set 140 cubits below the apex of the pyramid, and 110 cubits northwards from the central axis. A direct reference was thus made to the 14:11 proportion, and the section of the pyramid above the level of the entrance represented one-half of the section of the Great Pyramid, with its height of 280 cubits and semi-base of 220 cubits.


The 14:11 proportion of the Great Pyramid of Giza is known to have been employed earlier in the IVth Dynasty in the Pyramid of Meydum, and is conjectured to have originated in the stepped nucleus of this monument. In the present article, however, an argument is put forward to show that this hypothesis is not well-founded; and in its place, through a relationship between the square base of the pyramid and the circle of the solar disk, support is given to the theory that the 14:11 proportion was conceived as a symbol of the solar cult.

Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Design: The Bent Pyramid
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Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Design: The Red Pyramid
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