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URL темыhttps://chronologia.org/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=268&topic_id=3208&mesg_id=3315
3315, RE: lazy – ленивый
Послано guest, 02-01-2015 05:08
lazy – ленивый

lazy (adj.) («laysy» - происхождение неизвестно); в 19 веке думали, что от «lay»; из PIE корня *(s)leg- слабина, бездействие
1540s, laysy, of unknown origin. Replaced native slack, slothful, and idle as the main word expressing the notion of "averse to work." In 19c. thought to be from lay (v.) as tipsy from tip. Skeat is responsible for the prevailing modern view that it probably comes from Low German, from a source such as Middle Low German laisch "weak, feeble, tired," modern Low German läösig, early modern Dutch leuzig, all of which may go back to the PIE root *(s)leg- "slack." According to Weekley, the -z- sound disqualifies a connection with French lassé "tired" or German lassig "lazy, weary, tired." A supposed dialectal meaning "naught, bad," if it is the original sense, may tie the word to Old Norse lasenn "dilapidated," lasmøyrr "decrepit, fragile," root of Icelandic las-furða "ailing," las-leiki "ailment." Lazy Susan is from 1917. Grose ("Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue," 1788) has Lazy Man's Load: "Lazy people frequently take up more than they can safely carry, to save the trouble of coming a second time."

В очередной раз остается посоветовать выучить русский язык. «Slack» = слег

LAZY (lasche, F., laxus, Lat., losigh, Du.) – пассивный, вялый, слабый, ленивый, праздный, бесполезный («naught» - ничто, ср. «night» - ночь)
«А я все лежу, глаз не отвожу» ©

Лежу – ЛЖ – LZ – lazy.